Upgrading From I. V Cannula to Safety I.V Cannula

Every equipment or product is upgraded,
whenever there is an invention of new technology. In the field of medical
disposable products or equipment, the greatest up gradation is the introduction
of Safety IV Cannula. We all know about simple IV cannula, its usage,
precautions, and other useful things as well. But, safety IV Cannula is
different in all aspects. Although, there are many things which would highlight
the difference, like a change of design and style. But, there are many
technical upgradations as well, which would surely help the patients and
nursing staff in the process of cannulation.
The main feature of Safety
IV Cannula is its unique valve design that acts as a barrier to
prohibit exposure during venipuncture. This design prevents blood from getting
on the caregivers' gloves or clothing or bedding and dressings. Not just this,
another benefit of safety IV cannula is that it also offers safety from
needle-sticks injuries which can be very harmful to the nursing staff during
the withdrawal of the needle from the hub.
I.V Catheter is also user-friendly; this is because it minimizes the risks
of infection during and after the cannulation process. But, in many places,
simple IV Cannula is preferred just because of its price. Safety IV Cannula
costs much higher than simple IV Cannula, due to which in many places health
and medical departments/organizations use simple IV cannula.
According to many health and medical experts,
we should welcome any up gradations, which will enhance the functioning of
medical disposable equipment. If there is an enhancement in the functioning of
medical equipment then it will also help in the treatment process of the
patients as well. Such upgraded products not only act as a game changer for the
medical staff, but it also helps in reducing the pain of patients during the
cannulation process.
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