Information and Insights of Blood Transfusion Set

Posted by Lars Medicare
Jun 22, 2020

The blood transfusion set or B.T set is one of the medical disposable devices used for the patients that require the transfusion of blood or its components.

Blood Transfusion is a procedure in which a donor’s blood is supplied to the patient’s bloodstream through a Blood transfusion set. It can prove out to be a life-saving procedure as it replaces the blood lost during an accident or a surgery or other medical conditions. It can also be said that when administered timely blood transfusion might give relief from morbidity and may reduce mortality rates.

The B.T Set is used in this life-saving process for those people who are suffering from dangerous blood-related diseases or disorders like bleeding disorders like hemophilia or thrombocytopenia, or for some people who need blood due to their medical conditions that may be severe infections, liver diseases, cancer, anemia, thalassemia, etc.

Let’s take an example of a case where a person has met with an accident and is being brought to a hospital by a Paramedic team. Due to excessive blood loss, the person is unconscious and it is becoming more difficult for the nursing staff to make him feel better.

In this case, the medical or the hospital staff will provide blood transfusion to the patient. As there is a lot of blood loss, there are chances that the patient may die, as the body cannot produce an efficient amount if the blood in less amount of time.

At that time the doctors and the nursing staff use B.T Set i.e. blood transfusion set to supply the blood to the patient from the blood source. So, blood transfusion therapy can prove out to be a live saver in many cases.

Many diseases require blood transfusion from time to time. Those diseases are life-threatening ones, as blood is the most essential requirement of our body. The B.T Set which is used by the hospital and nursing staff is of good quality which doesn’t allow blood to form a small clot during transfusion therapy.

The filters present in the B.T set make sure that the clots and undesired materials from blood sources don’t enter the patient’s body.

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