IV Cannula Price

Posted by Lars Medicare
Jul 16, 2018

Most of the complaints that we continue to receive from the patients and their significant others, is that before they actually begin with the process there is a swelling and infiltrated sites. The intravenous therapy to this is one of the most basic kinds of a treatment that is given to almost each and every patient admitted in the hospital, and the skill of the intravenous catheter insertion is something that should be remembered and not forgotten by each and every nurse therapist. And in order to avoid these complications and pain to your patients given below are the five major tips on how you can turn out to be a sharp shooter on every insertion that you make. 

Staying calm and being prepared: Hitting the eye of the bull in just one shot is something that depends on the skills and preparation of the nurse. So it does become important that you and your patient are well prepared for the treatment. Having yourself and your patient nervous can just make the entire process to fail. So have the process being explained to the patient and determine the patient’s history when it comes to the IV Cannula. Make sure that the patient is comfortable and warm enough in order to avoid vasoconstriction.

Making use of a solid traction: Once you realize that you have found the right vein then try and place a thumb, from a few inches away that is distal to the site and pull traction. During this time the patients should begin feeling the firm pressure, finding a spare digital helping the catheter, as pulling of the needle can turn out to very hard using one hand and pulling back on the skin. This is something that should not be an excuse in order to let go the traction till the entire thing seems to be advanced. 

Making sure that you don't go deep: In order to avoid this try and make sure of a shallow angle. The closet the needle the appropriate would be the actual angle of the vein. And the easier would be to land the tip inside the vein where ever you wish to go. 

Once the catheter moves forward the needle does not go back: Once you have achieved the proper needle placement and you are all set to begin with the process, then make sure that the hand you are using the needle does not move. Instead it is the catheter that has to move forward making sure that the needle does not move backward out of the catheter.  

So what other places would you like to suggest when it comes to the insertion process of the IV Cannula. How has the above mentioned turned out to work for you. Share your experiences with us. Leave your comments below and we will be happy to add them above. Remember we love to hear from you.




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