These Air purifying plants Add Beauty to Interiors

Posted by GreeniumIndia India
Nov 24, 2021

You can easily see how trendy it has become growing indoor plants. NASA released a series of studies stating that indoor plants purify the air. That is why the number of people is increasing day by day who are growing indoor air purifying plants and filling their window sills with greenery. 

It is wise to add some low-maintenance plants such as the Oxcardium plant to your living space because a modest amount of foliage enhances indoor air quality. These days we spend 90% of our time indoors in different activities: studying, reading, sleeping, net surfing or working in the office and at that time we have to face indoor air pollution. 

There are a lot of reasons that cause indoor air pollution such as upholstery, carpet, furnishing, dry cleaned clothing, cleaning products, synthetic building materials, bacteria, mold pesticides. All these products release volatile organic compounds like formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, ammonia, etc.

We all face a small amount of indoor pollution daily and it is not a big issue. But if you are highly sensitive or due to poor ventilation you can feel sick in some cases. Some common symptoms are nausea, fatigue, and headache; these are called sick building syndrome.

Indoor plants impact VOC levels and improve air quality. Indoor plants not only reduce stress and irritation to ears, eyes, nose, throat coughing, and congestion but also boost attention capacity. By increasing the humidity and reducing levels of CO2 indoor plants act as a natural humidifier and also prevent irritation to the eyes, throat, nose, and even lungs. 

The attractive foliage of indoor plants makes people feel better. There are so many indoor air purifying plants that are easy to care for and hard to kill so if you don't have a Green thumb then look for these easy-to-grow air purifying plants.


Dracaena is available in more than 50 different varieties. This is a perfect choice for your home and office. This plant grows 3 feet tall generally and needs larger pots and space. Regular misting is far better than watering. Dracena is toxic to cats and dogs if ingested so keep it away from them.

Spider plant

Spider plants are easy to grow air purifying indoor plants and are a perfect choice for beginners. They need bright indirect sunlight.

Peace Lily

Peace Lily is an ideal plant for compact space as it is small compared to other house plants. Place them in a shady spot and keep the soil moist but avoid overwatering. This easy-to-grow plant will flourish for much of the summer. Peace Lily is toxic to children or pets, so be aware.

Weeping fig

The weeping fig is also known as the ficus tree. This plant is native to South East Asia and parts of Australia. This Hardy plant can reach up to 10 feet in height while growing indoors. This low-maintenance house plant needs bright indirect light and lets the soil dry out between waterings.

Snake plant

Snake plant is one of the toughest and hard to kill indoor plants. This plant prefers drier conditions so it needs water occasionally. Snake plants can tolerate a variety of light levels which makes them an easy choice for any room.

Boston fern

This plant is very easy to grow and clean the air. They prefer high-quality indirect light and moist soil. Give it a good soak once a month. Soil should be dry before the next watering.

Bamboo palm

Bamboo palms bring a lot of greenery to your space and can reach up to the height of 12 feet. They prefer a nice amount of light and keep them away from cold drafts. Bamboo palms are slow-growing so take at least three years before repotting them in a new container.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is known for its some serious health wins. Aloe Vera is easy to care for and doesn't need frequent watering. Aloe Vera gel is full of vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes that are known for wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. You can keep this plant in your kitchen window. This plant is a quick remedy to get relief from burns.

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