How to Care for the Philodendron Imperial Red
There are two types of philodendron plant vining and non-climbing. Philodendron genus consists of hundreds of species of beautiful foliage plants with large green and glossy leaves. They add a bit of their native tropical flair to your home.
The vining variety requires some support to climb on like a trellis and grows several feet while non-climbing varieties are excellent foliage plants and suitable for containers with upright growth habits.
Although houseplants can be planted at any time of year, the spring season is best to plant philodendrons. This plant has a fast growth rate and toxic nature to pets and humans if they are ingested.
How to care
Try to create a natural tropical environment while caring for the philodendron plant. A philodendron red plant needs plenty of warmth and moisture near a sunny window. Place the plant outside in a shady spot during warm weather so that it can get fresh air and natural light but don't expose the plant to direct sunlight; it can burn its delicate leaves.
Regularly wipe off the plants' leaves with a damp cloth so that they can look and function their best. Generally, philodendron red plants don't have any serious issues with pests and disease but they may be susceptible to common pests like mealybug, aphids, scales, and spider mites. Use a natural insecticidal soap or horticultural oil to treat pests problems.
Philodendron plants prefer a moderate amount of soil moisture so water the plant whenever the top inch of soil has dried out. Underwatering and overwatering as well can cause dropping leaves. They don't do well in soggy soil and it also can lead to root rot. Reduce the amount of water during the winter season.
Philodendrons grow better in partial sunlight than in the direct sun. place them near a window that gets bright indirect light while growing indoors. The leggy growth with lots of space between the leaves indicates that the plant is getting too little light and turning the leaves of the plant yellow means the plant is getting too much light. If a few leaves are growing yellow then it is normal aging.
Philodendrons like loose potting soil rich in organic matter and with good drainage. Replace the soil of philodendron plants every couple of years. philodendrons are sensitive to salts that accumulate in the soil while watering which can cause the leaves of the plant to turn yellow or brown. Water the plant until it comes out of the drainage hole to flush out some of the salts.
If your philodendron imperial red plant is not getting enough food for its growth, its growth will be slow. Fertilize the plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month in the spring and summer but reduce the number of fertilizers in the fall and winter.
Protect the plants from cool drafts, air conditioning vents. Don't expose them to temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature tolerance of this plant depends on different species. If your residence is in a dry climate then try to boost humidity around your philodendron plant because they like humidity.
You can also mist the plant occasionally with water from a spray bottle. Apart from this, you can place the container on a tray of pebbles filled with water. make sure that the bottom of the container is not touching the water because it can lead to root rot.
When philodendron’s vines get too long then cut them back using scissors for pruning shears. The best time for pruning is in the spring or summer. You can remove the yellow leaves of the plant at any time of year. Make sure to cut just above the leaf node. You can use these stem cuttings for propagation.
Philodendron imperial red can be easily propagated from stem cuttings and division. Early spring is the best time to propagate as the days grow longer. You can also grow philodendron from seeds but it is a slow process while stem cuttings grow fast.
Take a slightly larger container than its root ball with proper drainage holes and plant the philodendron in a new container. When the roots start coming out from the soil and the drainage hole then it is time to repot the plant. The ideal time for repotting is late spring or early summer.