Does a money plant grow better in water or in soil?
Money plants can be grown in both water and soil as well. You will need best practices while growing a money plant indoors. Growing a money plant in water has additional advantages but it also has some worthwhile setbacks. Golden money plant can flourish in any of the two mediums in water or soil.
It overall depends on the materials you have. If you have appropriate soil then you can use it and you can also use water to grow money plants.
When you grow money plants in water mediums, plants have softer and more succulent leaves.
The reason for this difference in succulents is because of the high absorption rate of water in money plants while growing in water.
But if your money plant is growing well in any available medium. Don't change the money plant growing in water to soil or vice versa.
This can cause wilting of the plant. They can experience shock and sometimes they don't recover from it. If we transplant money plants in water to soil medium then it undergoes an acute water shortage.
Plants have a habit of easy and continuous access to water and this is not available in the soil medium. Same as when you transplant it from soil to water medium, the plant gains unlimited water, which can cause rooting or suffocating.
How to grow money plant in water
To grow money plants in water is relatively easy to grow in soil. They can be propagated through stem cuttings as they are vegetative plants.
Take a healthy stem from a money plant. It should be thick and about 12 inches in length. Cut at 45 degrees below the node. Node is an undeveloped bud where leaves appear.
Choose a stem that has at least three nodes so that you can increase the chance of success. Remove the extra leaves from the bottom part of the stem after this place them in a container filled with water. Water should be free from chemicals such as chlorine. Make sure water should cover at least one node.
You can use a string to attach the stem cutting to the container so that one node is always underwater. Place the pot where it can get sunlight like a window. avoid exposing it to direct sunlight. Change the water regularly, generally once a week. Your money plant will start to grow in a week or two.
To maintain the water level above the notes at all times. It is completely your choice which medium you want to use to grow a money plant. When plants grow in the water you don't have to worry about regular watering. Money plants produce beautiful flowers with a pleasant fragrance.
Growing money plants in soil
Money plants can be grown In soil, indoors, outdoors, balcony, a terrace, or in kitchen gardens. Money plant is one of the popular indoor plants growing in water or soil. They are known to bring good luck, wealth, prosperity, and happiness to our life. The scientific name of the money plant is Epipremnum aureum.
Money plants can go up to 20 meters in height without any extensive care. These evergreen climbers are easy to grow in both medium soil and water as well. It can tolerate intense luminosity but too much exposure to direct sunlight for a long period can burn the leaves. Temperature between 17 to 30 degrees Celsius is good for this plant.
It needs water when the soil feels dry. Plant it after every two years and you can also add liquid fertilizer in the spring season. Money plants grow faster in hydroponic culture. If you are planning how to grow a money plant in a pot then you should choose suitable soil and the size of the pots should be according to the size of the money plant.
Use a small pot about 6 inches for a normal money plant. In starting you can choose clay, plastic, or ceramic pots. Neutral soil with a PH range between 6 to 7.5 is preferable for money plants.
Add some more potting mix soil with peat moss or perlite when the money plant reaches height. Finally, we can say that the water medium has some extra advantages over the soil medium but it depends on you which medium you want to choose.