7 Types Of Plants That Require Little To No Maintenance

Posted by GreeniumIndia India
Nov 29, 2021

Are you one of those who often forget what day is today? You have no time to care for indoor plants but you are willing to place them in your home or office. Do your plants die? Do you often buy indoor plants and after some days pick their dead leaves? Are you a black thumb in gardening? Okay!!

You do not need to be deprived of the benefits of indoor plants. They effectively reduce physiological and psychological stress.

Plants also increase the attentiveness, alertness, memory retention, and productivity of the individual. If you are forgetful then also you can grow low maintenance plants like rubber plants or spider plants. So if you do not have proper time then there is no need to stress about taking care of your plants. 

If you often forget living things in your home then choose low maintenance plants. These plants need a little too low maintenance. and can face your negligence and forgetfulness for a long time.

Snake plant

If your interior space has limited lighting then you can go for snake plants. It is also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue. It needs bright indirect light and is perfect for a windowless bathroom. If you often forget to water the plants or travel a lot then this plant is perfect for you. 

It can go for weeks without any moisture. Snake plants can thrive for a month without water. Let the soil dry completely between waterings. It prefers low to medium light. Snake plants are toxic. So keep your pets and children away. 

Aloe vera

Aloe vera plant will thrive best despite your forgetfulness. If you often forget and are unable to remember the last time when you water your plants then aloe vera is a good choice for you. Little attention is far better than too much attention for Aloe Vera. 

Misting and frequent watering is not helpful for aloe vera plants. A little negligence is good to keep aloe vera plants happy. Water it in a month and let the soil dry out completely between watering. Aloe vera is toxic and needs bright indirect light.

ZZ plant

Some people often forget to drink water themselves, let alone to water the plant. The ZZ plant is a perfect ideal starter plant for them. ZZ plants look very beautiful and you can water them sometimes and sometimes you can skip them also. 

They will live in perfect harmony, relaxing in a corner without any worry. You can also try stunning black variations of ZZ plants.

ZZ plants are toxic to cats and need low-light and monthly watering.

Spider plant

Spider plants are extra resilient and the best starter plants for new gardeners. They can thrive in many various situations. You can set them in a hanging basket in front of the window. This plant is non-toxic and is safe for pets and children. It needs bright indirect light and weekly watering. You can mist it occasionally.


Succulents are truly the best plants for new gardeners. Overwatering and little light are harmful to succulents and they can die. Most succulents are non-toxic. Succulents need bright indirect light and monthly watering.


Photos are also known as Devil's Ivy. It is one of the most forgiving indoor plants and can tolerate negligence for weeks. This is available in a wide variety of beautiful variations and colors, you can buy the golden marble queen and neon. This plant is toxic to pets and needs bright indirect light & weekly watering. 


Philodendrons are similar to pothos to some extent but they are not as hardy as pothos. Philodendron is available in a variety of sizes and shapes. You can choose as per your requirement. This plant is toxic and needs bright indirect light & weekly watering.


Cacti belong to a succulent family. If you overwater your plants then Cacti is not suitable for you. It needs dry conditions. Cacti are non-toxic. They need bright indirect light and monthly watering.

Lucky bamboo

If you want to grow a plant into water then you can choose lucky bamboo. You can grow it in water without soil. Place it in water and forget it for months. They will thrive on their own.

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