Security Roles in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solution

Posted by Dynamics Square
Dec 28, 2016
Security Roles in MS Dynamics CRM essay the role of privileges as well as accesses for various entities. Groups under different tabs, they are segregated on the basis of functionalities. These groups would be Core Records, Marketing, Sales, Service, Business Management, Service Management, Customization and Custom Entities.

Privileges are basic security units that outline all the actions the end user can perform on the premier customer relationship management system. Neither can these be added or deleted but can only be modified, that too with the help of a Microsoft Dynamics Services Provider. Common privileges in the most popular CRM for Small Business enterprises would be:

1. Create: This permits the user to add a new record
2. Read: This permits the user to view a record
3. Write: This permits the user to edit a record
4. Delete: This permits a user to delete a record
5. Append: This permits a user to attach other entities to or even associate other entities with a parent record
6. Append to: This lets the end user attach other entities to or even associate other entities with the record

There are other privileges as well such as Viewing Audit History/Summary, Bulk Delete, publishing E-Mail Templates/Reports/Articles etc.

There are various levels of access, these being indicated by the degree of fill and color of the little circles against each entity for each privilege. Levels determine the records of an entity upon which the user performs a given privilege. There are 5 main levels of access:

1. None: No privileges given
2. User: Privileges to the records owned by or shared with the user. Also included, are the privileges owned by the team to which users belong
3. Business Unit: Privileges for all records owned in the business unit to which the user belongs
4. Parent-Child Business Unit: Privileges for all records owned in the business unit to which user belongs, besides all the child business units subordinate to that business unit
5. Organization: Privileges for all records in the organization regardless of who owns it

Security Roles offer a set of privileges and access levels associated with them. Some pre-defined security roles that can be used would be:

1. System Administrator: This is the highest level role encompassing all the privileges and has over-riding rights. System Administrators have the authority to allow and remove access of other users and also define the extent of their rights. They are given access to custom entities by default while other users need to be given access. This remains the only non-editable role.

2. System Customizer: System Customizers have more or less similar roles that System Administrators have. Thus, non-system administrators can customize the Dynamics CRM. Customizers are also users customizing entities, relationships and attributes.

3. Standard Roles: Standard Roles that can be assigned to users would be CEO, Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, Salesperson etc.

Given below are certain ways in which Security Roles can be created:

1. Go to the Left of the Navigation Pane -> click Settings -> Systems -> click on Administration -> Security Roles
2. Select Business unit from Drop Down List into which the selected role has to be copied
3. Select Security Role which has to be copied
4. Go to Actions Toolbar -> click More Actions -> click Copy Role
5. Dialog Box opens -> Go to New Role Name Field -> Type Name of the New Role
6. If the Privileges for the New Security Role have to be changed -> choose ‘Open a New Security Role when Copying is Complete’ -> Click OK

This was all about Security Roles in the MS Dynamics CRM. Details regarding their usage and activation have been shared above. Going forward, it is for companies to find out how exactly are they going to benefit from these and how they can put them to good use.
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