Procedure of JoSAA 2016 Counselling

Posted by Chandan Singh
Jun 20, 2016
JoSAA 2016 Counselling is the process of counselling, of JEE Main 2016 qualified candidates, over the seats available for admission in B. Tech program. The process of counselling will be held online and in a centralized manner. It means that counselling for JEE Main 2016 and JEE Advanced 2016 will be held together. Various participating CFTIs, SFTIs, IIITs, NITs, and IITs will offer the admission on the basis of merit i.e. higher the score (or lower the rank), stronger will be the chances of favorite allotment. As per the official schedule, the website of JoSAA became functional on 17 June 2016 and counselling will begin on 24 June 2016.

JoSAA 2016 Counselling– Seat Matrix

Serial Number


Number of Seat


Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) & Indian School of Mines (ISM)



National Institute of Technology (NIT)



Government Funded Technical Institute (other GFTIs)



Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIITs)



Stages of JEE Main 2016 Counselling

Once JAB (Joint Admission Board) issue the AIR on 23 June 2016, the process of counselling will initiate. The following are stages of counselling cum allotment:

  • Online registration – candidate has to register himself on the official website of JoSAA. He has to provide details of JEE Main 2016/ JEE Advanced 2016 (whatever applicable).
  • Choice filling – candidate has to mark the choices of colleges and courses in decreasing order of preference. Choices once filled, must be locked for consideration in counselling.
  • Freezing of choices – a candidate will be allowed to modify choices as many times as he wants before the freezing stage. Once frozen, no change will be permitted to make.
  • Counselling – this stage will evaluate a candidate’s choices, his merit list ranking, his score, reservation norms, and availability of seats for JEE Main 2016 Seat Allotment.
  • Seat allotment – this stage will finally allot a seat to the candidate. It will be candidate’s liberty to accept the seat and go for confirmation or choose to upgrade in next round.

There will be 4 rounds of JoSAA  2016 Counselling. The first three rounds will be conducted for IITs and the last round will be held for preparatory courses. Only those candidates will be able to participate in counselling for IITs and ISM who qualify JEE Advanced 2016. Those who receive first allotment must report to the nearest CSAB center to deposit fee challan and necessary documents for verification. Option to lock or freeze a seat will be given to the candidate.

Schedule of JoSAA 2016 Counselling



All India Rank Of JEE Main 2016 Will Be Announced On

23 June 2016

Choice Filling Facility Will Start From

24 June 2016 (10:00 Am)

The Last Date To Submit The Choices

28 June 2016 (5:00 Pm)

The Mock Seat Allotment Will Be Announced On

27 June 2016 (10:00 Am To 04:00 Pm)

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