NMAT Exam Pattern 2017 - Check Here

Posted by Ravi Kumar
Jun 20, 2016
NMAT Exam Pattern 2017 refers to the blueprint of the examination and question paper. As per it, the exam will be held online for duration of 2 hours. There will be 120 questions in the exam spread over three sections. The time limit is not composite as there will be sectional time constraint. Candidate has to mark his answer using mouse only. The type of questions will be multiple choices. Each question will have 5 options out of which 1 will be correct. The sectional time and number of questions is as follows – Language Skills (32 questions, 22 minutes), Quantitative Skills (48 questions, 60 minutes), and Logical Reasoning (40 questions, 38 minutes). For every correct answer, candidate will get 1 mark. Any question that is not answered will not attract any marking. Candidates are advised to read the exam pattern carefully and thereafter, plan a strategy based on this. Reading the pattern along with syllabus will increase the chances of their efficiency.

NMAT Exam Pattern 2017 tells about the structure of question paper and examination in general. Every candidate must read the exam pattern to know the number and type of questions, marking scheme, exam duration, sections in the exam, sectional weightage etc. It will help him to draw a planning to attempt the exam thus enabling higher response rate and better efficiency. Another part of the preparation must be going through syllabus from time to time. Together, exam pattern and syllabus will prepare the candidate to solve more number of questions in lesser time.

As per the NMAT Exam Pattern, the exam will be held online and candidate has to mark his response using mouse only. The use of keyboard is prohibited as it would lock the exam right away. The exam will be conducted in different sessions over a period of 10 weeks. As per the official brochure, the exam will commence on 7 October and end on 20 December 2016. Booking for the exam session can be done by the candidate according to his convenience. The available exam session and date will be available in the drop down menu of application form.

There shall be a total of 120 questions asked over 3 sections (language skills, quantitative skills, and logical reasoning), as specified by the NMAT Exam Pattern 2017. The questions will be of multiple choices/objective type. Each question will have 4 or 5 options, out of which one will be correct. Maximum marks in the exam will be 120 thus making 1 mark each for every question asked. There will be sectional time limit as follows:

•    Time allotted for Language skills – 22 minutes.
•    Time allotted for Quantitative skills – 60 minutes.
•    Time allotted for Logical reasoning skills – 38 minutes

It means that the candidate will not be able to switch to a different section if he has still time left assigned for a particular section. It also means that a candidate can revise each section and its responses if he has time left. The NMAT 2017 Exam Pattern 2017 tells that in the Language Skills section, 32 questions will be asked. For Quantitative Skills section, 48 questions will be drafted and for Logical Reasoning Skills, candidate will have to solve 40 questions.

For every correct answer, 1 mark will be given. NMAT Paper Pattern doesn’t specify any order of appearing in the exam thus a candidate is free to choose the order of sections to attempt. Permission to leave the examination hall in between the examination will not be given in any case. Further, only those candidates will be allowed to enter the exam hall who present original admit card and a valid photo ID proof.

EntranceCorner is the best website to refer to for all the information on engineering entrance exams. It contains articles on every aspect of the exam of any domain.

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