Million Dollar Plan - Fredom Wheel Copy what Works

Posted by Mike G.
Jun 19, 2014
Million dollar plan




 Being free is the greatest feeling in the world! Free from hunger, stress, oppression…


Setting a freedom for your kids, grandkids, family and friends can’t be defined with fancy word play. Is that a strong enough message for you?


Your freedom is the hottest commodity in the world right now! Governments, World Leaders, Companies, Teachers, the pyramid leaders and in a sense I want your freedom as well.


The more someone controls your time the more money they will make. A ten dollar website is worth billions all because they control the time of other. Facebook is the website.



The difference between me and Facebook is that I invest in people to make money which they invest dumbing people down to lose it. In fairness they have a system in place so that anyone can try to make money and may get lucky but they don’t show you how.


I believe if I can make you a millionaire that I can make $300,000 off you efforts, year after year. Those may seem like irrational numbers at the moment but it is possible.



How to think Outside the Box


All the words I said above means nothing to you but those of you and your family’s freedom along with you financial independence.


I would like for you to reconsider to think about everything that I said though…truly helping others can may you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams.


I have been a part of building hundreds of memberships sites over last 16+ year’s online and not one time have any of the creators thought about you or your family being free! Think about all the pyramids you’ve joined…ever met the owner without spending thousands?


Over the last 5 years I have put people first and it has been very rewarding to have and help people become free. Think about doing so as well.


Copy what Works



All the ads you see that have been running for years or months through Google, Bing, Facebook etc…you need to copy that form with your own twist of course but don’t venture to far off of it and you will make very good money in a short period of time.


I don’t care if the ad or the website is the ugliest thing you have ever seen in your life copy it. These ads make thousands of dollars a day so don’t reinvent all the testing and success they have with your pretty bright ideas you will end up broke.


If you have no or little money copy the style as best as you can on Weebly or some free site then until you can afford to do ads. Always start from the top and stay there, coping things from broke people will not help your financial freedom.


I have a lot more but have some houses to look at so good luck to you!



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