Making Money Online – Why do you Hate Money?

Posted by Mike G.
Jul 18, 2013

Making Money Online


If I was to tell you that anyone can make money online everyday would you believe me? You probably would but what if I said good money? Then you make back off and not believe.




Because of the conditioning we have from on and off line teachings. We get leery of any headlines that states “YOU CAN MAKE $10,000 A DAY” but the truth is that is a possibility.  You could possibly make that amount of money as quick as you could $100 a day.




Because there are hundreds of millions of people who spend money online daily. The same effort you put in making $100 can be applied to any amount just have to get the offer in front of the right people. Your conditioning is what is holding you back is all.

You’ve been trained to work 30 to 40 years barely enough for a living for you and your family. You are conditioned to work for those who make the big money not be the one. I know because I wanted to be an electrician and do my lifelong commitment too.

Someone pushed me to change so I’m going to throw you off the ledge too to be where you are meant to be. Now working for someone else for life might just be your choice, good for you but at least have a choice.


You Hate Money


When I ask do you want to make a million dollars I’m sure I’ll get a 50/50 response from yes to no. Then when I write the blueprint only 2% will be left standing as far as willing to do it. When it comes down time to actually doing it I will be standing alone for the most part.

For the most part you don’t believe you deserve it or desire to work for it for yourself. You will however work to help someone else get the money you deserve. You will then complain that they don’t pay you enough or that life is not fair.

Do you just hate money or do you hate yourself, family, friends and humanity as well? If you have more money you can do more positive things. If you only want to make $100k a year take $900k and help others.

Make things easier on your kids…

Help struggling family members…

Feed starving kids...

Help a man/woman stand on his feet to find a job or do what you do to take care of his family…


Pardon me while I check my bank account…


Life is good isn’t it? Oh, it’s not? Then what are you going to do about it? Stop crying or cry it all out and step up to the challenge.


Making Money Online – When you want more do the Opposite


Let me ask you something, when you’re in a dark room and want to see what do you do? Cut the light on, right? Well, cut the light on in that head of yours and make things happen.

As long as you’re the waiter in somebody else’s restaurant you will never be the owner. Once you take action to learn everything in that restaurant then you can be an owner.  When you want something and not making any progress towards it then do the opposite or find some different advice.

When you go to someone else’s website day after day and not making money or promoting someone else’s offer broke then you hate money. Not only that, the next time you look into your mirror ask yourself why you hate you.

The owner of websites that you show up to making him/her money do what they are doing but better. The super affiliate promoter do what he is doing…the so called friend that you worship who every now and then slips an offer to his own product that cost $10, do that.

If you had a lemonade stand you would only care about the bottom line not how much you can hangout to not sell. Why do it online? People are friends with you to get money from you, bottom line. Some friends maybe bringing you down financially.

My friends aren’t broke…they don’t do broke at all! They all might not be rich but they live life to the fullest. I couldn’t have a friend that I talk to everyday that is doing bad financially that I continue to push offers to without getting them straight first. Now if they don’t listen to me then they are prime rib and might not be my friend much longer if they continue to wallow.

Comments (6)
Mike G.


Joe, I guess you are right!

Sep 12, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Hahahaha... keep laughing, it helps!!

Sep 12, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Oh, Joe I just felt bad about it...I think I could have done much better but you managed to find a diamond in the rough that I ignored "People are friends with you to get money from you, bottom line. Some friends maybe bringing you down financially."

The first week I was here a guy started talking to me for about 7 hours about his would cost a few million to do his was in a field that I just made decent money in he just put a spin on was a good idea though and he w

Sep 12, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Mike, I never said and never thought it was a bad article. I was reminded of reality where you said... "People are friends with you to get money from you, bottom line. Some friends maybe bringing you down financially." - that is something I never thought of and it made sense as it is more true than you thought...

Sep 11, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Joe, yeah I know it is a bad article....poorly written too...

This article was based on a group that begged me to chairman...they only wanted me to do it because I had the balls to yell at any of them but I had a major project in the works at the time ( at least to me).

There was 150+ of us and we worked as a family unit...we made $5 a piece the first week then $50....two weeks later we made $94 then all you know what broke out! This person wasn't working hard enough etc....I was all in right

Sep 11, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Interesting........ thanks.

Sep 11, 2013 Like it
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