JEE Main 2021: Last one-month preparation tips

Posted by Mirdalini Sharma
Sep 27, 2020

One must not begin any new books at this stage. However, one can still refer to regular books for concept clearing. This stage should be utilized more for problem-solving, developing short cuts, and memorizing formulae, understanding one’s strengths & weaknesses.

The JEE Main exams have evolved for a very long time. Last year, a sudden change was seen in the paper pattern and lots of students were taken back in the exam center. One should understand a simple strategy when preparing for exams. As much as it is essential to score well in JEE, it is also important to score well in boards as the normalization procedure counts these marks.

·         How to Prepare for JEE Main in the Last One Month:

A serious aspirant ideally must have finished the syllabus by now. The following tips would, however, count.

Ø  Time Management: Proper planning is most essential for timely preparation and dealing with the study pressure. By now serious students must have decided their preparation or informed about the same by their teachers. So, this is the time to consolidate your preparation and ensure that you do greatly well in the actual JEE (Main) exam.

All the three subjects Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics are equally valuable. So, divide these significant remaining weeks aptly in the three subjects

• Make a chapter-wise and topic-wise revision schedule.

• Create short notes and list all formulae & points to learn. This will support in quick revision before the examination.

Ø  Correct Methodology: The correct way for those appearing for the first time or second time is to stick to one source and not to refer to a multitude of books/ study material available in the market. To reap the advantages, the students should remain focused throughout the preparation period with a positive attitude to study with utmost concentration. In the last two weeks, it is only brushing-up through notes & flagged major problems with a twist. Taking Mock Tests on the actual pattern is suggested at this time.

Ø  Focus on your Goal: The key to appropriate preparation is proper and timely planning. Toppers learn from their weak areas and practice well in time to develop by all possible means. Correct attitude and sharp focus is the key to be a topper. Toppers divide their preparation time equally. They stick to a single system of preparation and have confidence in themselves. Thus, they constantly build up their confidence level and are geared up to crack any difficult questions. They ensure resolving all previous years’ papers keeping their concepts crystal clear.

·         Tips for the Final Exam Day & a day before:

The following should be kept in mind while getting ready for Exam Day.

• Think positively and don’t discuss your preparation as this may indirectly make you worried even if you are well prepared. Don’t talk anything about JEE (Main) with others.

• Stay calm, confident, and believe yourself.

• Brush up necessary formulae in all three subjects.

• Ease yourself or indulge in meditation a day before the actual exam in order to give your best on the exam day.

• Don’t question your friend how much they have studied. It will produce unnecessary pressure.

• Have a night of sound sleep for at least 6-7 hours.

• Prepare yourself to enter the exam center at least half an hour before the exam starts.

• Ensure to carry your JEE Main 2020 Hall Ticket and follow the directions as per the hall ticket. Avoid borrowing anything inside the examination hall.

Finally, it is the relative performance that will matter on the exam day. So, put in your best performance and you will ace JEE Main. Opt for the best coaching institute in Delhi that can help you get through your exams!

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