Benefits And Uses Of Lemongrass Oil

Posted by Mirdalini Sharma
Sep 23, 2020

The main elements of Lemongrass Oil include Myrcene, Citral, Citronellal, Geranyl Acetate, Nerol, Geraniol, and Limonene.

Properties of these elements are as follows –

1.       Myrcene

·         Anti-inflammatory

·         Analgesic

·         Anti-biotic

·         Anti-mutagenic

·         Sedative


2.       Citral

·         Anti-viral

·         Antiseptic

·         Anti-oxidant


3.       Citronellal

·         Anti-fungal

·         Sedative

·         Anti-viral

·         Anti-microbial


4.       Geranyl Acetate

·         Anti-fungal

·         Anti-microbial

·         Anti-inflammatory



5.       Nerol

·         Anti-oxidant

·         Sedative

·         Anti-inflammatory

·         Anti-depressant


6.       Geraniol

·         Anti-oxidant

·         Anti-bacterial

·         Antiseptic

·         Analgesic 


7.       Limonene

·         Anti-oxidant

·         Digestive

·         Appetite suppressant

·         Detoxicant


Used medically, Lemongrass Essential Oil’s analgesic properties are found to assist muscle and joint pains caused by overexertion of muscles through exercise. It is known to level up the energy and to reduce fever as well as headaches caused by viral infections such as the flu. It also helps as an antiseptic, making it a useful ingredient in lotions and creams that help wounds from getting infected. By reducing abdominal pain, it can help stomach aches and ease spasms in the digestive tract.

Used with beauty products or generally as well, Lemongrass Oil can remove the growth of harmful bacteria because of it’s Citral content, which is known to have antimicrobial properties. Lemongrass Oil can lower down the inflammation due to its Limonene properties, and it can slow down the flow of blood by contracting blood vessels. When used in shampoos, it helps to prevent hair loss. Lemongrass oil makes an impactful, less expensive, sustainable, and long-lasting deodorant. 

It is believed that it helps to strengthen the mind by relieving anxiety and boosting self-esteem, confidence, and hope. Its sedative effect on the mind removes tension and helps the sensations to be calm and composed.


It is believed that Lemongrass Essential Oil has many therapeutic properties. The following highlights its many benefits and the kinds of activity it has:


1.       COSMETIC: Anti-microbial, Astringent, Deodorant, Tonic.


2.       ODOROUS: Antidepressant, Anti-microbial, Antipyretic, Germicidal, Sedative, Tonic, Nervine, Febrifuge.



The uses for Lemongrass Essential Oil are various, ranging from medicinal and odorous to cosmetic. It comes in various forms like oils, gels, lotions, soaps, shampoos, sprays, and candle making.

Mixed with carrier oil and used contemporarily, Lemongrass Oil helps in muscle aches and body pains including headaches and discomforts related to arthritis. It tones and purifies the skin while its anti-inflammatory properties help with redness, itching, and swelling. Due to its antiseptic and astringent properties, Lemongrass Oil makes a beautiful addition to cosmetics that are meant to assist to have glowing and equally toned skin. As a toner, it cleans the pores and strengthens skin tissues. Mixing Lemongrass Oil into shampoo and body washes and massaging it into the scalp and body may strengthen hair, stimulate its growth, and help with itchiness and irritation on the scalp and skin.

In aromatherapy, Lemongrass acts as a natural fragrance and a non-toxic air thing that makes a calming atmosphere and deodorizes unpleasant scents. Once subtle, its carminative properties provide relief to the digestive system. It is additional to natural homemade scented cosmetics and soaps. It is acknowledged to be helpful for making sense of being reinvigorated, for uplifting negative moods to forestall depression, and for relieving anxiety, stress, irritability, lethargy, nervousness, and sleep disorder. Paradoxically, it will maintain alertness and boost energy. 

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