5 Everyday Uses for Tea Tree Oil

Posted by Mirdalini Sharma
Aug 17, 2020

Tea tree oil is an essential oil that can be used for various purposes, including keeping skin, hair, and nails healthy. In addition to its scientifically backed benefits, tea tree oil is low-priced and safe when used as directed.

Here are the 14 everyday uses for Tea Tree Oil:

1. Hand Sanitizer

Tea tree oil makes an excellent natural hand sanitizer. Studies have shown that it kills various common bacteria and viruses responsible for causing illness, including E. coli, S. pneumonia, and H. influenza. Moreover, a study testing different types of hand wash shows that adding tea tree oil to the cleansers boosted their effectiveness against E. coli.

  1. Insect Repellent

Tea tree oil may help keep annoying insects away. One study found that 24 hours after being managed with tea tree oil, cows had 61% fewer flies than cows not treated with tea tree oil. Furthermore, a test-tube study revealed that tea tree oil had a greater ability to repel mosquitoes than DEET, the most common active ingredient in commercial insect repellents.

  1. Natural Deodorant

Tea tree oil’s antibacterial outcomes may help control underarm odor related to perspiration. Sweat itself does not smell. However, when secretions from your sweat glands combine with bacteria on your skin, a moderate to strong odor is produced. Your underarm area holds a large concentration of these glands and is mainly responsible for what is commonly referred to as “body odor.” Tea tree oil’s bacteria-fighting properties make it an ideal natural alternative to commercial deodorants and antiperspirants.

  1. Boost Wound Healing

In addition to preventing infection in cuts and abrasions, tea tree oil may also promote wound healing. Research has shown that tea tree oil helps decrease inflammation and triggers the activity of white blood cells that are instrumental in the healing process. In a small study of 10 people with wounds, adding tea tree oil to conventional wound treatment led to reduced healing time in all but one participant.

  1. Fight Acne

Tea tree oil can be a great weapon against acne. Several studies have shown that it helps reduce the amount and overall severity of acne. In one study, applying a 5% tea tree gel to acne lesions was shown to be more than three times as effective at decreasing the number of lesions than a placebo. It was nearly six times as effective in reducing severity). In another study, tea tree oil was found to be as effective against acne as benzoyl peroxide, the most common anti-acne medication.

As you can see, tea tree oil can be helpful for plenty of reasons. It’s an inexpensive natural option for chemical-based skin and nail treatments, personal care products, and disinfectants, among other things. In a short span of time, Divine Aroma has become one of the most innovative essential oil companies in the country. One of the key factors that have contributed to the success of Divine Aroma is that it emphasizes chemical-free, all organic skincare.

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