How to Download JEE Main 2016 Syllabus
JEE Main 2016 Syllabus would be set by the exam governing body, CBSE, for all the candidates who wish to appear in the respective examination to take admission in engineering UG courses in country’s best technical education institutes. Since the exam is of high difficulty level and boasts of fierce competition, it is necessary to start preparation for the examination in a correct method. First step in this direction is to read the syllabus and know all the topics, sub-topics important from exam perspective. It would help to know the questions which can be asked in the examination. A candidate can also use the syllabus as a progress report. He can mark the topics as he covers them. We have compiled complete information on JEE Main 2016 Syllabus in this information so that you can know important topics as well.
Features of the JEE Main 2016 Syllabus
Features of the JEE Main 2016 Syllabus
- Syllabus would be issued for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects. Level would be class X and XII.
- Since one of the paper in JEE Main 2016 would be of architecture, a different syllabus would be issued for the same.
- Exam pattern would specify the breakdown of questions in each section and marking scheme followed.
JEE Main 2016 Syllabus - Mathematics
Read this list to know complete important topics for Mathematics:
- Conic Section
- P&C
- Probability
- Determinants
- Sequences
- Vectors Three dimensional geometry
- Quadratic Equations & Expressions
- Complex Numbers
- Matrices in Algebra
- Circle, Parabola, Hyperbola in Coordinate Geometry
- Functions, Limits, Continuity and Differentiability
- Application of Derivatives
- Definite Integral in Calculus
JEE Main 2016 Syllabus- Physics
Some of the important topics in Physics subject are mentioned here:
- Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Work Energy Power
- Conservation Laws
- Rotation Motion
- Electrostatics
- Heat and Thermodynamics
- Nuclear Physics
- Radioactivity
- Semiconductor
- Kinematics
- Dynamics
- Theory of Fields (Electromagnetism)
- Mechanics
- Fluids
- Heat & Thermodynamics
- Waves and Sound
- Capacitors & Electrostatics
- Magnetics
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Optics
- Modern Physics
JEE Main 2016 Syllabus- Chemistry
Here are some of the important topics and syllabus of Chemistry section:
- Redox Reactions
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- P Block Elements
- Qualitative Analysis
- Coordination Chemistry & Chemical Bonding in Inorganic Chemistry
- Electrochemistry
- Thermodynamics
- Chemical Equilibrium in Physical Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry