Hey, Whatever Happened to APSense Cash Rewards?

Posted by Anon E.
Oct 20, 2015
October 2015

Wow! How Things Have Changed for The Independent.

APSense is an intriguing
Social Business Network - A place to meet a large and diverse group of other business individuals. APSense rewards users for promoting their own business....

My first question to you though is; Is this feature still available?
Are you even aware that APSense rewards you with cash for reading emails amongst other tasks?

In many ways this was one of its unique selling propositions; the idea of promoting your business and getting paid for doing so. My favorite feature is the RevPages, what is yours?

Do you know of any similar offers online today?

I only ask because it is funny how this is something which APSense really sold itself on in the past. Who remembers that video demonstrating on how the referral system worked? And straplines such as; Get Paid for promoting your business... etc

Sure, what you get paid is (or was) only a tiny amount, but even so, it was  an attractive idea. I mean - come on, who wouldn’t find an offer like that attractive. Well, apparently not everyone. Which brings us to the underlying point of this article. Are you an independent business owner?

Today, as APSense continues to dominate a sector of the industry mostly populated by home-based individuals as opposed to businesses consisting of say more than 3 people and renting office space. It would be interesting to discover this was otherwise...

... But my question here is:

Are you an independent business owner?
In other words; is it is just you in your business or do you work remotely with a team of other individuals?

Thanks for your reply in advance. In the meantime can I interest you in a great way of generating traffic. Use my link below to find out more. If you act right now you wont regret it. Click Here

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