What is Net Neutrality ?

Posted by Anon E.
Jan 24, 2011
Image We all enjoy Internet Neutrality, right ?
So what is Internet Neutrality ?

The freedom to go where you want on the internet, regardless of location, business or Individual. Internet Neutrality represents internet equality.

So what is the big deal ?
Unfortunately not everyone agrees with internet equality and believe that they should be able to buy preferential treatment over the internet.

Before you ask...
Allowing preferential treatment could result in the disruption of the current ways in which you use the internet. Without neutrality things that you are able to do now may take longer, or your access totally denied. You see, here too would be the playing ground for influencing where the mass traffic flows, and as a matter of conflict of interest, your ISPs (Internet Service Provider) could be; by restricting access to competitors, coaxing you to buy into their products and services.

To put it in the form of an analogy:
To rid of Internet Neutrality; to NOT have internet equality,
would be like:

slowing down or restricting the flow of water , to say, your neighbors pipes and where it would normally take 5 seconds to fill a glass with water, it now takes an hour. Rendering what was once a simple task as something impractical. These neighbors could equally be two competing businesses.

Selective restrictions...
You may recall or be aware of a situation in the News Headlines stating that customers were complaining about how slow their internet service had become and then later there was talk that a certain ISP was selectively blocking BitTorrent streams as a way of favoring an alternative program.

The above is just an example of basic abuse of the internet without Net Neutrality. There are far more complicated means of inflicting inequality and you often may not even be aware.

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