Which Mac Are You ?

Posted by Anon E.
Oct 16, 2010
Image From the moment I laid eyes on that warmish-grey to cream machine as it demonstrated what it was capable of, I was in awe.

PMTs goodbye, waiting in line goodbye, typesetter goodbye, I thought...

Say hello to my little friend.
I had only just recently heard that a revolutionary methods of efficiently producing creative work was now very accessible, affordable and was steadily becoming an industry standard.

Skeptical at first, I allowed myself to be subjected to a demonstration.

The person showing off this wonder machine  had lost most of his fingers due to a disease. Yet his nifty maneuvers would suggest he had been using this machine all his life, but this could not have been so as this machine, at the time, had only just entered the market.

I was never really into this sort of thing, I didn't have any interest at school, I simply could not fathom how it could help me in my line of work or interests. In fact I was completely illiterate in this field.

Convinced by the demonstration however, which showed me just how user friendly this beauty was I reached for my cheque book. It cost me 3,000 pounds to buy, a bit steep I thought but wow this thing is a must have. I later discovered that I had been ripped off but did not worry for too long as I soon made my money back and have never looked back since.

I guess you might say I am a Mac Addict and I would not deny that. Even my facebook status confirms that I'm in a relationship (with my MacBook Pro laptop). Wouldn't you be at awe with credentials like these:

- Sleek
- Intuitive
- Compliant
- Friendly
- Innovative
- expandable

Which mac are you ? Find out here

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Comments (2)
Selya Rollins

Creative Imagery

I just saw this nice article, I love Mac too:)

Mar 2, 2011 Like it
Anon E.

Internet Ninja

Wow! Did I really write that

Nov 29, 2010 Like it
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