Starting an Internet Marketing business without your own website ?

Posted by Anon E.
Aug 26, 2010

Starting an Internet Marketing business without your own website is very possible, but really how practical is that ? and why would you not want a web site of your own anyway ? After all it is an internet business we?re talking about...

In spite of  the number of FREE programs available, where you can immediately start promoting items such as ebooks, software, and other digital downloads, without actually owning a web site. Can you truly optimise the potential of developing a successful and self-sufficient business in this way?

Most seasoned professionals would answer NO to that question. Don?t get me wrong, as part of your marketing strategy using set-ups like the Affiliates Funnel (take a look)  demonstrate fine examples of how in theory marketing tools and systems can work without you or your client having the need for a  web site, but imagine a good system like ?this?, alongside your very own web site.

By having your own web site you?ll have much more control of your online business and remember its not just about the money, find something that you are genuinly interested in, or feel a calling for. If you enjoy what you do; the passion is often expressed in how you interact with your audience. Join me here for information on starting your own professional website for FREE or little cost

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Comments (1)
Mark Hodgetts

Professional writer and SEO service

You're absolutely right. This is an internet business. If you can't own a website and domain name you're not serious. In fact owning a domain name is probably the first step to real success on line (albeit the first of many)

Aug 26, 2010 Like it
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