Hazrat Ali (R.A): The Lion of Allah

Posted by Taha Ali
Mar 13, 2023

Praise, prayers, and peace to Allah, the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), his consecrated and devoted companions and their dedicated followers till the day of judgment.


His Ancestry and Family:


 His full name is Ali ibn Abu Talib bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hasim. He came from the Banu Hashem family, the most revered of the Quraysh, and was a cousin of the Prophet Muhammad (Saas). His mother was Fatima, who accepted Islam at a young age and moved to Medina.


 His father, Abu Talib, was chief of the Banu Hashim tribe and custodian of the Kaaba tribe. Abu Talib was the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (Saas). Abu Talib was a descendant of the Prophet Ishmael (a.s.), son of Ibrahim (a.s.).


Ali (R.A.) was born in Mecca on Friday the 13th of Rajab, March 17, 599, thirty years after the elephant incident.


Ali Ibn Abu Talib (R.A.) was one of ten men who received the tidings of Paradise. He was an outstanding scholar, a valiant soldier, an exceptional ascetic, and an eminent orator. He also collected and revised the Holy Quran with the Prophet Muhammad (Saw).


His Early life and acceptance of Islam:


When Ali (R.A.) was five years old, Quraysh was hit by a drought that affected the economic situation in Mecca. Therefore, the Prophet (Saw) appealed to his uncle al-Abbas to help Abu Talib in crisis.


 Al-Abbas decided to take care of Jafar, and the Prophet (S.A.W.) took care of Ali (R. for the rest of his life.


 He was raised in the household of the Prophet (saw) and when the Prophet received his mission, Ali (r.a.) first became a Muslim early on.

Once upon a time, Ali ibn Abu Talib (r.a.) was returning home and the Prophet (Saw) and his noble wife Khadijah (r.a.) were praying.


When Ali (r.a.) inquired about the prayer, the Prophet (Saas) told him that it was Allah's right religion that required him to worship any god other than Allah. Ali (R.A.) said he had never heard of it before and had to tell his father, Abu Talib, about it, but the Prophet (Saw) kept the matter a secret. So I asked him to keep it.


 The next day Ali (R.A.) came to the Prophet (S.A.W.) and explained his Islam. Initially, he kept Islam a secret out of fear of his father, but when Abu Talib recognized him, he approved him and asked him to stick to it.


His Role in the Migration of the Prophet (S.A.W.) to Medina:


 Prophet Muhammad (Saw) remained in Mecca, waiting for Allah's permission to emigrate to Medina, and his Companions emigrated early. When the disbelievers of Mecca conspired to kill the Prophet (saas), the Angel Gabriel (as) revealed to him the details of this evil conspiracy and told him (saw) not to sleep in his bed that night. So the Prophet (Saw) asked Ali (Ra) to sleep in his bed to impersonate him, and the Prophet (Saw) left home safely at night and emigrated to Medina.


 Prophet Muhammad (Saw) was known as the most trustworthy of all men. Although they did not accept his mission, the people of Mecca kept their cash and gold safe. Ali (r.a.) trusted the Prophet (saas) to return his possessions to their owners when he left for Medina. Later Ali (R.A.) also migrated to Medina and joined Prophet (S.A.W.). Ali (R.) When he reached Medina, the Prophet (Saath) was pleased to meet him and sent a faithful prayer to Allah, asking Ali ibn Abu Talib (r.a.) for mercy and blessings.


 By emigrating to Medina, the Prophet (Saas) laid the foundation for the Islamic State. He (S.A.W.) began to establish fraternity boundaries among his companions, built a mosque, approved a treaty with the Jews of Medina, sent a detachment and established a new society altogether. Ali (r.a.) was very active in the service of the Prophet (Saw), being close to him, obeying his orders, and learning from his guidance.


His Marriage with Fatimah (R.A.): The holiest marriage ever:


Ali (R.A.) married the Prophet's (S.A.W.) most beloved daughter Fatimah (R.A.), one of the best women all over, and her mother was Khadijah Bint Kuwailid (R.A.). The blessed marriage occurred in Madinah after the Battle of Ohud, as Fatimah (R.A.) was fifteen years old. Thus, Ali (R.A.) had the additional honor of being the father of the Prophet's (S.A.W.) progeny through his sons from Fatimah (R.A.), Al-Hasan (R.A.), Al-Husayn (R.A.), Zainab (R.A.), and Umm Kulthoom (R.A.).


Ali (R.A.) in the time of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.):


 Ali (r.a.) was such a trustworthy person that the Prophet (Saw) used him as one of his scribes to write down the texts of the Holy Quran, which were revealed to the Prophet (Saw) during his lifetime. appointed. When Islam began to spread throughout Arabia, Ali (R.A.) helped establish a new Islamic order by conveying his message and promulgating Islamic guidelines.


 In addition, Ali (r.a.) was instructed to draw up the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, a peace treaty between the Prophet Muhammad (Saw) and the Quraish. Ali (R.A.) was sent to Yemen to spread the teachings of Islam. He was also tasked with resolving several disputes and putting down various tribal uprisings. He had an excellent knowledge of genealogy, proverbs, and the history of important events. He traveled through Syria and Ethiopia, interacting with non-Arab people and learning about their lives and customs that no one else knew. He inherited his business from his father and made a fortune.


 All Quraysh regarded him as one of the highly respected Banu Umayya clans. Therefore, Uthman (R.A.) was considered of high rank and much loved by his people.


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Blessed with the title of "Asadullah" - Lion of Allah:


 Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was a brave man and was popularly known as "Asadullah" (Lion of Allah) for his bravery. During the Khybar Wars against the Jews, Muslims attempted to capture a mighty Jewish fort in Khybar. The Messenger (S.A.W.) announced that he would hold accountable those who love Allah and His Prophet (S.A.W.) and they also love him. Dua for Success


 The next day, Hazrat his Ali (R.A.) was empowered. However, Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.) believed in his outstanding fighting ability and gave him command of the Muslims. The Jews rejected his invitation to join Islam and sent their famous and bravest warrior, Mahab, to challenge Hazrat Ali (R.A.) to fight him. The Arabs witnessed the incredible strength and power of Hazrat Ali (R.A.), who killed Mahab with a mighty sword blow. After that, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) gave him the title 'Asadullah,' which means 'Lion of Allah.'


He (R.A.) was honored to become the Son in Law of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and transform their ever-closer relationship into a family bond. Both Hazrat Ali (R.A.) and Hazrat Fatima (R.A.) lived a well-satisfied life and had five children, namely: Hassan (R.A.), Hussain (R.A.), Zainab (R.A.), Umm Kalthum (R.A.), and Mohsin (R.A.), who died in his early childhood. His son, Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A.), was credited with the greatest service to the Religion of Islam by standing firm against the unjust ruler, Yazid and sacrificing his life for this cause. Imam Hussain and his family's greatest sacrifice for Islam occurred in Muharram, also known as Ashura. Dua for Depression


His Courage and Struggle to Support Islam:


 Ali (R.A.) was known for his bravery. He took part in the fight against almost all the disbelievers in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (Saas), except the 9th Hijra when the Prophet (Saas) entrusted leadership to Ali (Ra). The Battle of Tabuk was an exception. City.


 Ali (R.A.) At the Battle of Badr, he defeated Umayyad champion Waleed ibn Utba and twenty other pagan soldiers. Ali (R.A.) distinguished himself at the Battle of Uhud. When the bearer of the Islamic banner was martyred, Ali (R.A.) raised it but was challenged by the heathen Talhaibn Uthman, who attacked him and fell to the ground. Hazrat Ali ( Allah swt blessings be upon him), who surrounded the Prophet (S.A.W.) and saved him, with other companions. In the battle of Uhud, he stood firm by the Prophet Muhammad (Saw).


 In trench warfare, Ali (R.A.) valiantly defeated a prominent pagan leader named Amr ibn Wudd. At the Battle of Khyber, Ali (R.A.) defeated the great Jewish commander, Marhab. The Prophet (saw) provided command and standards to Ali (r.a.) when the Muslim armies failed to capture the Jewish fortress on his two occasions. As a result, the fortress is filled with Muslim onslaught and victory is won. Moreover, Ali (R.A.) was one of the allies who stood firm on the Prophet Muhammad's (S.A.W.) side in the Battle of Hunain.


As the fourth Caliph in Islamic history:


 3rd Caliph After the martyrdom of his Hazrat Uthman (R.A.) in 35 AH, Hazrat, his Ali, took over and became the 4th Muslim Caliph. This was a time of significant testing for Hazrat Ali (R.A.), as he had to strive to confront the rebellion and maintain peace in the territory. He (R.A.) also had to move the Muslim capital to Kufa, Iraq. He (R.A.) faced many difficulties during the time of the Caliphate. Nevertheless, he recovered traces of a simple Islamic life, equality and real income through hard work in that short period. He was the supreme authority of Islam, but he did not mind sitting in a shop selling dates. He wore seamless clothes, sat on the ground with the poor, and ate with them. He always sought to ensure that Baitul Maru's proceeds reached the rightful individuals as quickly as possible. He was not in favor of increasing government revenues for the Treasury Department. Hazrat Ali's (R.A.) general rule lasts for almost five years. Hazrat Ali is a great scholar of Islam.


 Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was not only a great warrior but also a great scholar. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said of him: "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate." he had power. He (R.A.) also had excellent skills in public speaking, preaching, writing letters and recording his words. His writing was as effective as his speech.


Caliphate of Ali (RA.) during Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.):


 After the death of the Prophet (S.A.W.), all Companions (RA) pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr (R.A.), except Ali (R.A.), who was busy arranging the Prophet's (S.A.W.) funeral. Furthermore, upon the death of the Prophet (Saw), he vowed to do nothing but pray until he completed compiling the Quran. As a result, Ali (R.A.) swore allegiance to Abu Bakr (R.A.) and supported him throughout the Caliphate.


 After Usama's expedition ended, Abu Bakr (R.A.) sent Ali (R.A.) with his companions to defend the city's borders at this critical time. Also, Abu Bakr (R.A.) consulted Ali (R.A.) before fighting apostasy and the Romans. According to tradition, in the days of Abu Bakr (R.A.), judges were delegated to Ali (R.A.).


Caliphate of Ali (R.A.) Umar ibn Al-Khattab (R.A.):


 Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (R.A.) was elected as the second Caliph after the death of Abu Bakr (R.A.). Ali (R.A.) swore allegiance to his Umar (R.A.) and helped him as a trusted advisor.


 During the Caliphate of Umar (R.A.), Islamic armies conquered Roman emperors in Syria, Egypt, and North Africa. In addition, Islamic forces conquered Persian emperors in Iraq, Persia, and Khurasan, extending to the borders of Turkey and India. In the process, Umar (R.A.) consulted the wise associates of the Prophets (S.A.W.) like Ali (R.A.) and sought their suggestions on political issues. Ali (R.A.) is reported to have advised Umar (R.A.) to set the Hijra as the beginning of the Islamic calendar. It was Ali (R.A.) who advised Umar (R.A.) to go to Jerusalem and obtain the Holy Mosque from the Romans, while Umar (R.A.) put Ali (R.A.) in charge of Medina. Ali (R.A.) was one of his electoral councilors appointed his third Caliph by Umar (R.A.). Usman (R.A.) and Ali (R.A.) were his two leading candidates.



Caliphate of Ali (R.A.) Uthman ibn Afan (R.A.):


 Uthman ibn Afan (R.A.) was elected as the third Caliph. Ali (R.A.) swore allegiance to Usman (R.A.) and remained in Medina to support him. Ali (R.A.) played a crucial role in inciting the rebellion against Usman (R.A.). Ali supported and defended Uthman (R.A.), offered advice, and faced state opposition from Egypt and Iraq.


 They aimed to replace Usman (R.A.) with Ali (R.A.), but Ali (R.A.) adamantly refused their request. There they pretended to retreat, but after three days, they returned to Medina and besieged Usman (R.A.) and his family. Ali (R.A.) and his sons passionately defended Usman (R.A.) and said they should fight the rebels, but Usman (R.A.) refused to kill people for himself. It was a complex tribulation in Islamic history marked by the murder of Usman (R.A.).


Martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (RA):


One of the rebels, known as Ibn-e-Muljim, martyr Hazrat Ali (R.A.) using a poisoned sword while He (R.A.) was performing Salah in the mosque on 19th of Ramadan, in 40 A.H. Hazrat Ali (R.A.)spent two restless days on his sick bed in extreme pain and distress. Eventually, the poison spread all over the body, and he died on the 21st of Ramadan at the time of Morning Prayer. Hazrat Ali was buried at Najaf.


An elder from the Quraishi reported that when Ibn Muljam struck Ali (R.A.), Ali (R.A.) said:


"I have succeeded by the Lord of the Kabah."


When Ali (R.A.) was struck, he advised his sons and then he never said any other words except:


"No God but Allah"


Until his soul was taken, he was washed by his sons Hasan (R.A.) and Hussain (R.A.) and Abdullah Ibn Jafar (R.A.), Al-Hasan (R.A.) led the funeral prayer for him.


Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was known for his bravery in fighting the infidels. He also possessed the necessary character traits of firm belief in Allah and His Messenger (S.A.W.), humility, gratitude, and genuine insight into the teachings of the Quran. He (R.A.) spent his whole life in the service of Islam.

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