Gifts That Secure the Economic Future of Your Loved Ones

Posted by Priya Ahuja
Jul 29, 2015
Every parent, spouse or elder brother is worried about doing things to make the lives of their dependents better and economically secure. On every birthday, anniversary and wedding the choice of gifts keep varying with times, but one gift idea never changes and that’s gifting gold.

Why gifting gold is such a good idea?
We Indians need not be told that gold is precious and highly valuable. We are decked from head to toe in gold jewellery in Delhi whenever the occasion calls for it and gold makes most of all the ornament we put on. Gold will always be relevant and useful for anyone, old or young. Gold can be deposited in lieu of gold, it can be redesigned in new designs or it can be gifted again!

Gold can hold its own
Putting money in savings accounts will get you less interest than the current inflation rate. Gold however stays above inflation and is perfect as a long term investment asset. Gifting away gold is like gifting away a big sum of money that will not be devaluated even when inflation wreaks havoc to all interest rates.

Gold can be easily exchanged for money, but since people usual part with their gold it usually is the safer and better investment asset that stays with the person you gift it to.

Gold jewellery never loses novelty
Even someone who isn’t bothered with their economic security just yet, such as teenagers or kids, will also value gold. Gold jewellery keeps reinventing itself with each generation. For instance, moms can gift heirloom gold jewellery to her daughter which is a great gift in itself but if she wants she can always take it to a jeweler and have it forged into something new and more conforming of latest trends.

Selling gold is easy
Unlike gifting a car whose value keeps falling every year, gold actually keeps moving upward, unless of course something goes seriously wrong with world economy which means if it ever comes to selling gold Jewellery getting a good price of it won’t be difficult. The demand for it never goes down no matter what, and the best part is it will bring in more money than any used car or electronics.

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