Get great value of your money with Indian shoes

Posted by Priya Ahuja
Aug 31, 2015
When you buy a pair of shoes you expect it to do its job well. The job of a pair of shoes is to keep you comfortable and prevent feet injury. It’s a simple job some might say but interestingly a lot of shoemakers get it completely wrong.

What’s so complicated about shoe making that things can go wrong?

Any pair of shoes, not just safety boots, must be comfortable to keep on for hours, especially for someone who keeps standing for most of his or her working hours. A good pair of shoes must also instil a sense of confidence in the wearer even after years of usage.

On the outset, making a shoe looks completely easy. Get a good sole and fix it to nice upper and attach a pair of laces on each and it’s done! Sounds easy but it isn’t. The trade of shoe making predates the pyramids and all the ancient marvels we read in history books. No one writes about the history of shoes but you can be pretty sure that all those ancient engineers and workers didn't work barefooted.

Since then the shoe has been making developments. Though small, but steady developments in style, comfort and practicality. Also development in the field of sciences have given the shoe making industry a lot to improve upon the existing knowledge that has been passed over from one generation of shoe makers to next. Now all that knowledge along with footwear designers with technical erudition has contributed to making footwear safer, more comfortable and cheaper despite the use of premium products in the process.

How good shoes are made?

A good pair of shoes is made only after the designers have crushed through a lot of data from wearers and actual people who want more out if their shoes than just style. This data is then used to design footwear that meets all benchmark of a good pair of shoes. Comfort, protection and style are all added in right proportions making it quite ready to be used even by the most discerning customers.

What separates Indian Safety footwear from others?

Shoes manufacturers in India have been fortunate enough to make use of a significantly huge database of information to make their products better. You probably already know that Indian shoemakers have a wealth of experience to draw upon. A major contributor to the knowledge base is the Indian armed forces who have spent years in inhospitable conditions and their personal experience in that matter has helped shoe manufacturers in India come out with better products not just for the armed forces but also for professionals from different walks of life.
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