Angels in Islam

Angels are mystical beings created from light by Almighty
Allah. They can take multiple forms and cannot be described as male or female.
In Arabic, angels are called Malaika, which means help.
This is because angels perform duties in both the invisible and physical
Angels are known not to eat, drink, or mate. You are free
from such desires. When they came to Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in perfect
male form, he gave them something to eat, but they refused.
Allah Says in Holy Quran:
Neither in heaven nor on earth, neither moving things nor
angels shall be cast before Allah. Therefore, they shall not be proud.
Muslims believe that God created angels from pure light.
Belief in their existence subsumes Islamic belief itself. Nevertheless, there
are far more than you can count based on the hadith. Allah says:
Furthermore, he taught Adam the nature of all things.
Then he put them before the angels and said: "Tell me what these are if
you are right.
What do angels look like?
Angels in Islam have a unique appearance. Few people have
seen angels in their original form, but we know some facts about angels from
the Quran and Sunnah.
Angels do not eat. Angels are huge.
They are neither male nor female.
They can take human form.
It has wings, sometimes two, three, or four in pairs.
All are very beautiful, except for the angel of death.
Angels are light, and humanity is clay.
Isn't it enough for Allah to send (especially) 3000
angels to help
(Surat al-Imran, 124)
Nature of Angels in Islam
In Islam, it is believed that angels were created from
light before humans were created from clay/earth. Angels are obedient creatures
who worship Allah and carry out His commands. Angels are sexless and need no
sleep, food, or drink. They do not have free choice, so they obey nature.
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Quran Classes for kids and adults.
Angels by Names:
The Quran mentions several angels by name and explains
their responsibilities.
Jibril (Gabriel): Angel responsible for transmitting the
word of Allah to the Prophet.
Israfeel (Raphael) blows his trumpet to mark the Day of
Mikail (Michael): This angel controls rain and food. Online Quran Classes in USA.
Munkar and Nakeer: After death, these two angels of him interrogate souls in the
grave about their beliefs and deeds.
Malak Am-Maut (or Azrael) (Angel of Death): This
character has a soul when he dies.
Kiraman Katibin: These
two angels sit on each person's left and right shoulders and record their good
and evil.
Malik: He is the Guardian of Hell. Ridwan: Guardian Angel
of Heaven.
Role of angels
Gabriel (Peace be upon him): Gabriel is an angel who
carries revelations from Allah to His messengers. Other names for Gabriel are
Jibril, Al-Lu (Spirit), Al-Lu Al-Quds (Holy Spirit), Al-Lu Al-Amin (Trusted
Spirit), Al-Lu Al-Haq (Spirit of Truth), and Al-Nams Al. Akbar.
Mikaa'eel (Peace be upon him):
Mikaa'eel is the angel responsible for distributing food
according to Allah's will.
Whoever is the enemy of Allah and His Angels, His
Messengers, Jibril and Michael, Allah is the enemy of the unbelievers.
(Surat al-Baqara,)
Israfeel (Peace be upon him):
Israfeel (as) is the trumpeting angel on Judgment Day.
Furthermore, the trumpet blew (a second blast), and lo
and behold! They will come out to their master at once from the grave.
Azrael (Peace be upon him):
He is the Angel of Death who takes souls by command of
Allah SWT.
The angel of death destined for you will cause you to
die, and then you will be returned to your lord.
Our angel will take his soul when death draws near and
never do its duty.
When our (death) messengers arrive and take their souls,
they say: 'Where is that which you were chanting but Allah?
Kiram Al-Katibin:
The Angels of Kiram Al-Katibin, are the two angels who
record deeds.
sits on the right shoulder of a man and records good
Sit on the man's left shoulder and record his misdeeds.
Moreover, indeed there are guards over you. Dear
recorders, you know what you are doing.
Furthermore, he will rule over his servants and dispatch
a guard over you.
Belief in the invisible world created by Allah is
essential to believe in Islam. Therefore, the required articles of faith include
belief in Allah, His Prophet, revealed books, angels, the afterlife, and
destiny/divine destiny.
Among the creatures of the invisible world are the
angels, who are mentioned in the Quran as the faithful servants of Allah.
Therefore, all genuinely devout Muslims profess faith in angels.
Islam holds that angels are magnificent creations of God,
varying in number, role, and power. God does not need these creatures, but
knowing and believing in them will make you feel in awe of God.