How to Re-order the Deed Poll or Legally Change Your Name

Posted by Deed Poll
Aug 26, 2024

Marriage, divorce, and sometimes personal choice, there are varied live events when you may require to change your name legally. It is a significant decision and you cannot change the name on your own. It needs a legal documentation to get the name changed everywhere like bank account, marriage certificate, divorce paper, and varied other documents. The crucial thing is to find someone who can help you legally change your name and provide you with complete assistance in Re-order your deed poll.

It is a crucial step that needs proper support and assistance from experts. They guide you at every step and provide you with instant solutions and support to solve your queries. Their main motive is to help you at every step and provide you with complete peace of mind.

Re-Order Your Deed Poll – Follow a Few Steps

A deed poll is a legal document that proves your intention to abandon your old name and adopt a new one. It can be used to update your name on official records and identification, such as your passport, driving license, bank accounts, and medical records. The deed poll is not automatically sent to any organisation or government body; it is your responsibility to notify relevant parties of your name change. If original deed poll document is lost, damaged, or inaccessible, you may need to reorder it.

·         The process involves contacting the organisation or solicitor who originally issued the deed poll.

·         They will typically require proof of identity, such as a passport or driving licence, and may also ask for a small fee to cover the cost of re-issuing the document.

·         If your deed poll was registered with a deed poll service or a legal firm, it is advisable to reach out to them directly for assistance.

In the event that your deed poll was not registered or issued by a solicitor, you may need to create a new deed poll document, which involves drafting a fresh document that states your intent to change your name and signing it in the presence of an independent witness. This document then becomes your new legal proof of name change.

Legally Changing Your Name for the First Time

For those looking to change their name for the first time, the process involves creating a deed poll. You can draft a deed poll yourself, but many prefer to use a deed poll service or solicitor to ensure the document is legally binding. The deed poll must clearly state your intention to renounce your old name and adopt a new one, and it must be signed and dated in the presence of an independent witness who is not related to you. Once completed, this document can be used to update your name with all necessary authorities. It is important to note that a deed poll only changes your name; it does not affect your legal rights, obligations, or identity in any other way. Certain restrictions apply to the names you can choose, such as those that include numerals, symbols, or offensive language.

Summary: Re-order a deed poll or legally change your name in the UK will be easier if you get support from experts. However, it requires careful attention to detail. Whether you are reordering a lost deed poll or embarking on a name change for the first time, ensuring that the legal requirements are met will help you to avoid complications and ensure that your new name is recognised in all aspects of your life.

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