Your neighbor's vision is as true for him as your own vision is true for you.
Miguel de Unamuno
Read more: For any individual, group, community or nation to succeed, a vision is necessary. This is particularly true for online marketers. To truly succeed in promoting a Biz-Op or program an online or affiliate marketer must embrace the vision of success given by that Biz-Op or program. The problem is everybody doesn't see the same vision or possibilities. As the above quote implies, "one man's meat is another man's poison". There are many programs out there that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole but there are many who succeed very well with those same programs. Should I label that Biz-Op or program as a "scam" because I don't like it, I couldn't make any money with it, or it doesn't appear to me to be within the legal framework of what the government has defined as a pyramid or ponzi scheme? Since I am not the government, I will let the government do the job of dealing with pyramid and ponzi schemes. (In my opinion the government has it's own ponzi scheme, Social Security) Every Biz-Op and program is not meant to be long lasting but rather quick money. Most cyclers are designed for quick money because the more that join the cycler the less money is made or the slower the money is made. Does that make such a program a "scam"? If you have the correct vision of making some quick and significant income then it isn't a "scam". In fact there are businesses and programs that offer real products and services that are really "scams" and fraudulent. My vision is not your vision, my success is not your success, my failure is not your failure, something called individual freedom and responsibility I think. I will not censor the vision of my fellow online marketers because there is plenty of room for us all to succeed in online marketing, as I see it.
Comments (29)
Roosevelt Evans III
Home Business Entrepreneur
Thank You All for your insightful comments to this article. The Bible says that "without vision the people perish", right Pastor Turnipseed? LOL!
Pastor David Turnips...
Get Paid into $1299 position Just by bringing in 6
Our job is to either join or reject a person vision ,not to form any negative opinions,God creates visionaries to build and form communities and lives and who are we to put our mouths on God vessles. The true test is how you handle your own power of choice.
Anatoli Graour
You made a good point here Roosevelt.
Because each person have his own IQ and level of education, he can do only so much.
Some people, no matter how hard they try, can not build website and because of that can not build they own online business.
This is why they do MLM and if they have ability to convince people or explaining things,
they do very well. Just because they are not techie, nothing can stop them to do MLM because they are good speaker.
Roosevelt! you rightly said it! Every person has got his own vision, to decide what to follow.
Fred Mugone
Health, Wellness, e-Business
Just like Oldbuddy I'd like to say AMEN!! Your article is quite insightful - a penetrating understanding of this sometimes complex thing called vision. I also agree with you 100% that one man's meat is another man's poison... I personally abhor eating snakes, slugs and other stuff that I find to be a bit on the crazy side BUT there are many people who eat them and swear to god that these "foods" are some of the most delicious things to eat. One man's meat is another man's poison... the same thin
Sean North
As a believer in the right to follow the dream or vision, I would agree with you Roosevelt after all one of my favourite quote is the ancient Australian Aboriginal proverb;
"Those who lose dreaming are lost"
That said I also believe that in todays business world both online and off, there are too many that believe the philosophy if a law is inconvenient, ignore it.
I personally don't promote or follow any programme or Opportunity my personal choice is to use the same fundamental princi
J J Brown
SEO & Wireless Professional
To each their own. Everybody has a unique dream. Pursue it!
Warren Contreras
Old Retired Guy
AMEN Brother, AMEN!!! Every time I visit the Casino to eat at the buffet, I see people pulling handles like crazy KNOWING the odds are in favor of the house, does that make it a scam?