On the inside looking in from the Outside

Posted by Sheila Thomas
Aug 8, 2010

What is a Disoriented Family? Or is is just a Family that has no meaning of right or wrong?

Well being in a situation that i have no control over just to sit and pray daily as to what i need to do to stay alive and well. This is something that I never experienced before but to go through it is like a learning tool that I will soon someday be able to pass down to my children or to other people in general. It hurts to know that the extended family members of their loved one does not like you and then they pretend to be in your favor why because you are either in a relationship with a brother or a sister. What do you do? I have been so far living this way for the past 13 years not knowing that my family did not like the man i am with and the same on his side of the family. Not as much as my side it is only a hand full on his side but the sad part is that his sister and I used to be close until someone she thinks is better for him is better than me.

Is there someone that can help me out with this one. I am in a state of let down and defeat. But the devil is a lie I sat up all morning praying and crying, crying and praying I cried so much that I thought I was about to go to sleep for a long time. I felt worthless and there was nothing left for me to do or live for. But I know that deep down inside I am more than a conqueror I am a survivor of many things that has happened in my life and I refuse to give up......

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