To All Moms of Pre-Teens

Posted by Sheila Thomas
Apr 3, 2008

When do you draw the line?


As a mother of a teen daughter who is determined to explore the outside world so fast so soon.


At one time in her earlier years she was a very bright young typical girl who loved to go to school and do just about everything a typical girl her age would do. All at once the times have come to quick is just unbelievable how children, well at least majority of them, have grown up and know so much. I can remember a time when I was a pre-teen life was simple you did not have the opportunity to do the things that majority of our children today do. I also can remember when the clothes we wore were not so much in a name but we fell into a trend as to what other children were wearing. Today day our children are a walking advertisement and if you are from an unfortunate family then the child’s esteem would fall. So to the parents that is able try to make it happen for their children not so to fit in but to be a part of the fashion.

When do you draw the line?

Education in my household as a child was top priority no ifs ands or buts about it. Education was basically forced not by choice. Parents today would still say that education is priority but how many children believe it?

I believe that the household is a job everyone has a role that needs to be completed so other tasks can be accomplished whether it be family night, game night, shopping, or what ever you choose to do as a family. A child today feels as though it is old-fashion to be at home on a weekend other than being with their friends. The times today compared to what I call yester-years is not the same there are more random killings, rape, robbery, arousal drugs that engage sexual activities and more we all know what is out there..

When do you draw the line?

I remember when dating was approved only if there is supervision by a parent of the child, and if everything at home or at school was in good standings. Majority of our children finds a way to beat the rule when we speak on dating. They have cell-phones, beepers (pagers), emails to keep in communication with their friends. When I was a child it was unnecessary to have such technology devices of communication it was one phone and one phone only and Mom and Dad had control when you could receive calls or not. There was also a time limit on how long you could talk as well.

When do you draw the line?

Well, I said all of that to say this I have drawn the line she is now on her own since she wants to be a grown up at an early age. I have told her that she could do what she wanted to do knowing that I did not approve while she is living in my house. So now I have to love her from a distant since she did not want to abide by my rules and regulations (as a parent of four children her being the oldest) that she could not stay here under me having no respect towards the adults and other members of the family and as to what I want for her that she needed to leave, and not to return until she does so.

When do you draw the line?


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Comments (1)
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

I think being a parent is one of the most joyous things anyone could do, but..also, one of the hardest challenges as well. Change is always happening, especially how much changes have take place for the environment and social life for our kids. I have one teen & one tween, both boys. Giving them the respect without being over bearing, and doing my job as a parent, to protect them, is a fine line indeed. So far, so good. Swooh.

May 24, 2008 Like it
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