Earn commission $$ from EBay, GAP, TARGET, & DISNEY

Posted by Francis Walsh
Mar 16, 2008

Using the power of online social networks has been what I have been most influenced by as an online marketer over the past few years.  I should be nothing new to hear that these internet communities are giving the internet experience a new way of utilizing the world-wide-web as I think people intended.  Every business quarter a whole new slew of electronic platforms emerge onto the online population via the "rumor" mill and "business" adverts that tell us where to go and how to get there.  If you're like me, and you need to be connected, you should take note of every one becasue for right now, the things that are keeping people online the longest are social networking and game playing.  Social networks have become the leading reason someone would spend 6 hours straight online.  Communicating, web cams, MySpace and IM's ae what the new market is doing, and to take advantage of that, you need to place yourself there too.  You want to actually take the lead.  Lead others to the new places, and reap the rewards of deep downlines when you do.

This blog entry isn't so much about the networks in general, but n the types of networks that are available for members to communicate.  MySpace is the pure social network.  Though the growth was mainly created due to the new technologies for independent musicians, they used this tool to advertise, host, play, and recuit sales and fans.  This network when looked at from the way musicians used it to lift their careers hardly gets the recognition.  This is an important aspect of MySpace because from a business standpoint, musicians found a way to utilize it to there benefit.  More than a pure "friends" network, MySpace hosts one of the largest music collections and artist roster.  This, I don' t think will be accomplished by the newer social networks.

Big Crumbs offer a new twist on a social network platform.  Big Crumbs' network of members saves and earns money from online retailers affiliated with their buyers network.


Big Crumbs is about the purchases of the members to the retailers affiliated with Big Crumbs.  The members SAVE and EARN from two diffent programs they have there. Big Crumbs also pays commissions to members and their downline for purchases made within your network.


Currently earning about $250 a month.  I also save fees when I buy on EBay.  EBay members can save alot of money on the purchases made at EBay.  I've found these people the most receptive, AND because they do alot of buying and selling, they made a great networtk member.

Check out the site.  It's free, AND it works very well.


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