The Dr. is in..
"The Doctor will see you now."
I hate that phrase. I learned to hate that phrase over many years of going to the guy who is going to tell me some more bad news and take some money out of my pocket. I subsequently gave him his title "Dr. Pain."
It seems that though I hate the term, and I corrolate it to an unpleasant experience that involves bad news and money being sucked out of my pocket, I find many people are looking to some of us as their own "Dr. Pain". The difference is that my doctor received that term only after years of experience with him, and that to-date, he has been unable to do anything for what ails me.
So what ails you?
Here on ApSense, you can find blog after blog of this or that or this or that pertaining to directions to go here or there. Look at this, look at that. Etc. Etc. Do we do it? Are we following directions in hopes that the information at the end of the link will actually help us to acheive the goals we have set out to accomplish? In most cases, we disregard the information and label it as the "poison pill" that will ruin ApSense.
Is it the message or the messenger that gives us that sick to our stomach feeling that all we really want is to be left alone. I agreed to that notion that what we don't know won't hurt us, until I found out through "DR. PAIN" that sometimes there is nothing we can do except to perservere and continue to live life the way we want because that is all that really matters. Life itself is worth living whether in times of trouble or in times of success.
Is it the messenger that makes you feel ill or the message?
Because many people want to diregard what is said and focus on the fact that it was said at all, delivers us into a place that the internet is attempting to take us away from.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just open up shop in our homwtown and find a way to be successful in the choice of business we are involved in? Would there be more businessmen and woman talking up there products and services in there own hometown to people who come to their store in hopes of getting something they want at the price they want to pay. Then you could push people out your door and lock it behind them, never to worry about having them return because you insulted them so with your demeanor. Some of us would be better served by exposing the world to more truth, rather than keeping the closet door shut until it bursts open for all to see.
I'm viral, I'm the best thing that happened to me since me, and I'm going to deliver my information the way I see fit Ublike "DR. PAIN" and his inability to say anything that will do me any good, maybe my information can be used as the medicine to cure what ails you.
The only thing to add is, my information is not like "DR. Pain's". You may receive it when you do not want it, but it actually contains good information on how you can take a dead horse and get it on it's feet.
My project was created by me, and it will prosper because of my efforts for you. There is a cure for your ailment. Block, disregard, delete, forget. If I could only do that with my own "Dr. PAIN", I would. It's my choice to go back for more bad news because at least I know that I am well informed as to my condition.
Do you know how you feel today?
The doctor is "IN". If you don't want to hear what he has to say, close your eyes, cover your ears, shut your mouth and just delete.
Comments (1)
Linda Welch
Great Subject, i'll top it