How to: Earn a commission from every purchase.

Posted by Francis Walsh
Mar 15, 2008

I used to have a goal of being a salesman for every store in my neighborhood.  It seemed like a great idea!  Instead of the neighborhood going directly to the store they have been going to for all these years, they would rather purchase from me, and forget the relatonship they had already made with the store directly.  How and why I came up with this idea I'll never know. 

If you think about it though, it was formed from the relationship "I" had made at these stores for myself.  Obviously making money can attract the attention of an entrepenuers enough to have them rolling the thought "How can I get in on some of this action?"  Being a salesman for a succesful outlet is one way to do it. 

I'm always imparting myself on others ideas and successful operations.  Too many opportunities have been lost by people who let themselves become just a product of the success rather than a part of the success, therefore making themselves successful in the proccess.  Look for ways to be a part of any success to improve and excel your own success.


With this subject in mind, here's and ad:

Big Crumbs pays members a percentage of the sales made through Big Crumbs to stores like the GAP, Target, and EBAY (many more high quality online retail outlets are available to choose from for people looking to purchase online) .  If you sign-up for free you can earn and save.  At Big Crumbs members earn cash-back on purchases, AND commission on their networks gross sales for that month.

There are two types of free account:

The Crumb Saver account earns the most money back on purchases.  If you shop alot online, you can save alot of money with this option, though you will not get the full benefits of the type 2 account.

The Crumb Earners account saves you money on your purchases, (a little less percentage than the Crumb Savers), BUT you can earn a commission on your networks (downline) sales for the month.  With a small, actively shopping network, you could be earning $1000USD with limited referrals.

It's free to join, and great to promote to EBAY shoppers (look for a coin forum.  Coins area great place to find people who do alot of shopping on Ebay, and would appreciate your Big crumbs info for the monwy they can save from sending EBAY.


I love this site because it effectively makes you a salesman for all these outlets, and these are some of the best online retailers available.  Check it out.

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