Male organ pain is an unwelcome and unfortunately all-to-common problem for many men. In most instances, the cause is minor and can be dealt with through outpatient treatment, or even at-home care. For men experiencing pain in the pelvic region, it is important to determine the cause; a medical professional is best qualified to answer any questions. However, a little knowledge ahead of time about the potential causes and how to address common male organ health concerns can be invaluable in helping a doctor develop a diagnosis. Some of the most common male issues are described here:

1. Balanitis – this condition occurs mainly in uncut men and is characterized by swelling of the prepuce and/or head of the male organ, itching, pain, and a yellowish or greenish discharge. Balanitis is an infection that often occurs as a result of inadequate hygiene. Keeping the area clean is essential, especially in terms of removing any built-up material, or smegma, from under the prepuce.

2. Chafing/irritation – the male organ has a rough life when it comes to rubbing up against fabrics and skin, not to mention harsh cleansers and lubricants. All of this friction can create microscopic tears in the skin’s surface, leaving it feeling sore and raw.

3. Phimosis – Phimosis occurs most often in younger boys, but men may experience it as well. It refers to a condition in which the prepuce cannot be retracted over the head without pain, either because the opening is too small or because of the presence of scarring on the inside of the prepuce.

4. Impact injury/bruising – A blow to the pelvic area during impact sports or an accident, or even a poorly-timed yank or thrust involving the male organ, can lead to bruising and a sore, tender manhood.

5. Yeast infection – Everyone, including men and women, have a certain number of fungal spores living on the surface of the skin. These are generally harmless, but under some conditions, they may go into a rapid growth stage, causing itching, burning, swelling and/or a whitish, chunky discharge.

6. UTI – An infection of the urinary tract or bladder can cause a burning sensation or pain in the urethra, and the pain can often be sensed throughout the male shaft.

Preventing male organ pain

Most men will experience some degree of male organ pain from time to time, and there is no magical solution to prevent all types of illness or injury that may cause discomfort in the delicate male tissue. On the other hand, following some common-sense guidelines can reduce the risk in many cases, so it is well worth following these guidelines for male organ care:

1. Always, always use a latex barrier. Unless a man is in a committed, monogamous relationship and is not relying on barrier protection for birth control, there is no excuse to skip the rubber during any intimate contact. A latex barrier can not only protect against disease; it also reduces the amount of friction, thereby minimizing the risk of chafing or tearing of the outer dermal layers.

2. Talk to a doctor about ongoing problems with the prepuce. Men who have chronic issues with phimosis or other prepuce pain may consider surgery or another alternative. A doctor can be the best resource for providing treatment options.

3. Go easy during solo or partner play. Rough self-pleasure takes a toll on the male tissue, and sudden or forceful movements with a partner can also result in injury. Men should take care themselves during any intimate activity, and they should ask their partners to do the same.

4. Bathe the area thoroughly with non-allergenic cleansers. The male organ, and especially the area under the prepuce, can be a haven for bacteria, fungal spores and sloughed-off skin cells that can cause chafing, irritation and infection. Gently washing the area at least once a day can help to remove any substance that may promote male pain. Gentle cleansing is advised to avoid any additional irritation to the skin.

5. Use a male organ health cream. Daily treatment with a specially formulated male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can provide the male tissue with the nutrients it needs to stay supple, responsive and smooth. Applying a cream like this after a bath or shower is best, as warm, damp skin is highly receptive and will absorb the nutrients easily.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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