The world of exotic play and adult toys can make for enormously intriguing fun, but the end result for many men is often a sore male organ. Sure, a little pain is the goal for a lot of guys, but sometimes a man gets more than he bargained for. Even if using a relatively tame toy like a chastity cage, a dude is likely to find that when his male prisoner is finally granted precious freedom, he may be not be in any condition to enjoy himself. Indulging in "cage play" means that a man needs to take extra special pains to ensure proper male organ care once his manhood is released from its bonds.

What kind of cage?

Although they are still not an item found in every man's bag of tricks, chastity cages are more common today than ever. Such devices are exactly what their name suggests: a structure which is placed around the male organ in order to keep it locked up and unavailable for use.

These cages can be made from a variety of materials, including steel, rubber, leather and silicone. They're usually "sheath-like" in shape and skeletal in design, with an opening at the tip so that urine can be passed out. The length varies, but they are intended to be long enough to hold a soft male organ comfortably and to create painful sensations when the male organ is firm; ideally, the pain should be sufficient to cause discomfort and to prevent the male organ from reaching full size.

What's the appeal?

Causing discomfort and discouraging firmness isn't everyone's idea of a good time, but many men - and not just those into BDSM or submission and dominance - find that wearing a chastity cage adds some oomph to their intimate lives.

"Fred," who describes himself as a weekend cager (meaning he gets locked up only over the weekend, rather than wearing a device full-time), says that adding a chastity piece has helped him appreciate his male organ.

Fred says that when he is locked in, he is always aware of his male organ and how it feels practically every moment of his waking day. That intense fixation is a kind of "Zen male organ state."

But…the pain?

Fred says that getting hard definitely causes pain, but that it's not unbearable and that there is a kind of pleasure in it. When he gets hard, the real pain comes not from the constraint itself but from the fact that he can't stroke himself to the height of pleasure; however, he finds that denial to make his subsequent release much more satisfying.

Other concerns

That said, there are other aspects of being in a cage that are not so pleasant. When a caged man urinates, not all the liquid escapes through the hole at the tip. Similarly, sweat can collect in the device, as can water from showers. While the skeletal design of a device makes it theoretically easy to keep the male organ and the cage clean, in practice this isn't usually the case.

As a result, a cage can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Soap that gets into the cage and can't get washed away can dry on male skin, making the male organ dry or bringing about an allergic reaction.

Men who enjoy a chastity cage need to take extra steps to ensure that their male organs are kept in good health. When his aching red male organ is released from a device, a man should immediately soothe it with a reputable male organ nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A cream with hydrating ingredients such as vitamin E and shea butter can help to relieve any itching and soreness and can attend to that dried-up feeling that a man may experience. It's also important to use a cream that includes alpha lipoic acid to keep away the "wrinkling" look that such activity may accelerate in a male organ.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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