There is no way around it.  When nature calls, it has to be answered relatively quickly.  Most men take for granted that when that super-sized soda, or venti caramel macchiato with soy needs to exit the body, it will do so in a pain-free manner.  However, what happens when a few drops of urinate feel like needles shooting out of the male organ?  Or when a trip to the urinal burns with the fire of a thousand suns?  Unfortunately, sometimes it hurts to urinate.  When this occurs, it is best to find out what the body is trying to say, and in the meantime, learning to maintain a healthy male organ (along with the rest of the plumbing) can minimize the chances of it happening in the future.

5 Reasons it Sometimes Hurts to Urinate

Prostatitis:  One common reason men may face difficulty urinating is from inflammation of the prostate gland.  Infection or inflammation of the gland makes urinating very painful – and often slow going, as well. Medical intervention will speed recovery and ease pain.

Enlarged Prostate:  Known by the technical term benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), an enlarged prostate is a very real condition that many men will face in their golden years.  Around 50% of 50-year-old men experience BPH, with that number skyrocketing to 75% by age 80. Despite these high numbers, many men choose not to seek treatment for the condition. Thought it may feel embarrassing to speak with the doctor about problems related to the plumbing, a medical professional can provide treatment to make urinating less of a chore, so seeking care for this unfortunate condition is a must.

Stones: Stones, as in kidney and bladder stones, are a very painful condition that affects about 5% of the general population.  In the case of a stone, they unfortunately have to pass through tiny inner plumbing tubes as the calcium deposits make their way from the kidney to the bladder and out of the body. Urinating is difficult and painful, as the flow of urine is obstructed by the stones, causing a burning trickle of urinate until the stone is fully passed.

Communicable Diseases: A partner-transmitted disease is probably the one thing men fear most when experiencing painful burning during urination – that is, if there is reason to believe a communicable disease is a plausible explanation, as these can cause a burning sensation during urinating, along with other symptoms such as sores, bumps or lumps. Communicable diseases are one instance when medical attention is absolutely imperative, in order to prevent spreading it to a partner and avoid future complications.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):  Very common in women, men can also experience a UTI, though their risk is about ¼ of that faced by women due to the male organ being relatively closed off to bacterial invasion from outsiders like E. coli.  Older men, however, are at a greater risk for contracting a UTI simply as a factor of aging. A UTI causes burning and male organ pain during urination and can be cleared up with a round of antibiotics.

Keeping the Male organ Healthy

While some of the conditions listed above are unavoidable, there are certain precautions a man can take to keep his equipment healthy.  First and foremost, using a condom can help prevent the spread of communicable diseases, which are a fast-growing epidemic worldwide -- FYI –- about 1.2 million cases are reported in the US yearly!  Another easy fix is to drink plenty of water and limit caffeinated beverages; staying hydrated can help flush bacteria from the bladder.  Also, it is important not to make a habit of withholding urine for a long period of time, as doing so keeps bacteria in the bladder and can cause prostate damage as well as infection.  So, when the urge strikes, head out and find a restroom.  Lastly, practicing good hygiene can help reduce bacteria and yeast, which can lead to painful infections.  Wash the male organ daily with soap and water and follow it up with a hydrating male organ vitamin formula (most professional recommend Man 1 Man Oil).  Selecting one that contains vitamin A is especially helpful as the vitamin has bacteria fighting properties that can help keep the male organ healthy.

Visit for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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