Most men may think they are experts when it comes to owning – and most likely, using – a male organ.  However, just because a male organ is attached to one’s body does not necessarily mean every man is deserving of a PhD in male anatomy – if there were such a thing.  Though there are certainly some interesting factoids about the male organ that every man does not need to know, some information is critical to maintaining the male organ health After all, what is the point in having a tool if one is not going to take care of it?  Read on to discover important male organ facts every man should know – with a couple of interesting ones mixed in just for fun.

1)    Smoking can reduce one’s male organ length by as much as a centimeter! Everybody knows that smoking hurts the circulatory system, but most men fail to think of that one important little area that relies largely on adequate blood flow to perform its duties. If that tidbit were included on the warning label, chances are that there would be more men working on becoming non-smokers. 

2)    The average male release lasts only 6 seconds, whereas the average female release can last 23 seconds. Isn’t funny how so much time, effort and thought can go into working towards those 6 short seconds?

3)    Though sometimes referred to as a boner, there is no bone inside a male organ.  However, a male organ can become “broken” when it is forcibly hit with an object –usually a woman’s pelvic bone.  Unfortunately, severe cases of a male organ fracture can cause scar tissue that builds up at the site of the injury, leading to a curvature of the male organ.

4)    Many men report a slight curve in the male organ.  Left, right or upwards, as long as intimacy isn’t painful and there was no injury to cause the curvature (see fact #3), this is no cause for concern.

5)     Though many men may feel it is a pregnancy failsafe to get a vasectomy, some researchers have found that 1 in 100 vasectomies fail. Pregnancies after vasectomies are possible, though typically they occur in the first several months after the procedure, before sterility has been met.  Repeated seminal fluid analysis is highly recommended until it is clear.

6)    When a man reaches the height of pleasure, the fluid leaves his body at an average rate of 28 miles per hour.  If it has been a long time since he last had relations, seminal fluid has been found to leave the body as fast as 43 miles per hour. Now that’s a lot of built up pressure.

7)    Too vigorous self-pleasure is the most common reason for a male organ rupture. Improper male organ care can increase the chances of this happening. Common male organ injuries include soreness, chafing, bruising and tissue damage.

Maintaining Male Organ Health

One way to ensure the male organ stays as healthy as possible is to treat it daily with a male organ vitamin formula chock full of vitamins and minerals (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Choosing a male organ formula made with all-natural ingredients can help supply vital moisturizers to the area, which keeps the skin supple and youthful. Dry skin is more prone to painful cracking and chafing – even when treated with TLC. A formula containing vitamin E and Shea butter can help lock in moisture to the male organ skin. Powerful ingredients like L-arginine, for improved circulation; Alpha Lipoic Acid, for male organ health; and, Acetyl L Carnitine, for enhanced male organ sensitivity, can help keep the male organ healthy and may even improve one’s intimate life. And that is one fact every man should know.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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