A male organ is designed to be a tool of pleasure. All the nerve endings that line a man's rod can transmit signals of intense joy if he wields the tool just right. But what happens when a man's member brings him nothing but pain? Specifically, what male organ care steps should a guy take when he’s experiencing a chronically sore male organ?

That's a personal question, and every man might have his own answer. But men can still learn a thing or two from one another. One man, here referred to as “Pat,” agreed to share his experience. His story is quite typical when it comes to chronic sore male organ concerns, so he might have good advice to share with other men living with the same issue.

It’s Never Been Easy

Pat was never surgically altered down there, and he started dealing with tight sheath concerns early in life.

"When I was a teenager, I developed an infection underneath the sheath of my tool," Pat says. "Overnight, I went from having a normal member to having a sore male organ that was red, itchy and pretty darn smelly, too. I went to the doctor, and that's when I found out that there was something wrong with my skin."

Typically, the skin that covers the head of the manhood is designed to move up and down with ease, so a man can clean under the sheath and enjoy all the normal sensations of physical love. Pat's skin didn't move like that.

"My skin was a lot like a tight wrapper," Pat says. "I couldn't move it around at all, so I couldn't really keep things clean. After my infection healed, my doctor encouraged me to do some stretching exercises, but those were really painful, so I never did them. I wish I had."

Concerns in Later Life

Since Pat didn't work on his manhood health issues, he continued to have trouble with recurring infections as an adult.

"It seemed like I'd end up with a red male organ every couple of months," Pat says. "It didn't matter what I ate, what I wore or what I did. I just couldn't keep things clean down there, so I kept getting hit with infection after infection. It was awful."

Finally, Pat went in to see another doctor, and it was there that he agreed to have surgery to fix the problem for good.

"Like most guys, I didn't like the idea of having anything sharp going near my manhood," Pat says. "I knew it was going to hurt like hell, and I just didn't want to deal with it. But my doctor finally convinced me that this was something I was simply going to have to go through. Once he explained it to me, I agreed."


A surgery like this often requires a lengthy recovery process, which might involve:

- Ice packs

- Over-the-counter pain killers

- Frequent bandage changes

- Abstinence from physical love

These weren't easy things for Pat to handle, but he did his best. "After a few weeks, I felt totally fine," he says. "But then I had some new sore male organ concerns to deal with."

Since Pat's skin had kept the tip of his manhood protected for so long, it was remarkably sensitive once it was exposed. Pat found the feel of clothing absolutely excruciating, because he wasn't used to so much contact.

"That took some getting used to," he says. "But in time, I found that the soreness did go away. And since I didn't get any more infections with that skin gone, I felt healthier and a lot less pain overall. I could finally enjoy my male organ."

Men like Pat often need surgery to recover, but some men who have only periodic soreness might not require such an invasive measure. For example, many men with episodic bouts of manhood pain can benefit from the regular application of a male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). These products can help fend off bacteria, and daily use keeps skin healthier so it won't be as prone to infection. Sometimes, this simple step is all it takes to banish manhood pain for good. 

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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