I am not talking about positive advertising for big companies to sell products here, but negative propaganda against certain products that could potentially lose big companies money.

There are two products in particular i am going to concentrate on:

Colloidal Silver and Electronic Cigarettes and i am going to start with C-Silver

Colloidal Silver is basically a way to use silver for medical purposes. Have you ever heard of the expression "born with a silver spoon in his mouth"? Well it doesn't just mean he was born into money, but also people did used to use real silver spoons to eat with, and that they seemed to be a lot healthier and never fall ill. This is because silver has many medicinal purposes and is much like an anti bacterial aid. In the early 1900s, people would put silver coins in milk bottles to prolong the milk's freshness. It is great in fish tanks and many other places bacteria usually grows.

Right enough history lessons and back to the point. Big pharmaceutical companies would not be happy for this colloidal silver, which is so cheap to buy or produce yourself, to be used by many people. The reason being that they sell lots and lots of products they produce, ie certain medical drugs to fight infections, pain relief from falling ill, etc etc.. and would stand to lose BILLIONS! That's if people rarely became ill, which is what colloidal silver could actually prevent if used by many people.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_uses_of_silver for more info.

OK so what has the media got to do with this?? Well you may or may not have heard of this: http://www.naturalnews.com/035219_colloidal_silver_blue_man_skin.html which is apparently a man who took too much colloidal silver and turned into a smurf! Well just type in Google "colloidal silver" and he will pop up looking all grey (blue) and put people of this amazing silver healing medicine. Where do you think this blue man came from?? Hmmm i will let you decide..

Right next i have Electronic Cigarettes. These are amazing devices that is very similar to actually smoking, hand to mouth habit still exists, which is half the battle, and you only get nicotine and not the 1000's of carcinogens contained in real tobacco smoking cigarettes, including tar to name one!

So these truely are great and we have very similar products being released to combat smoking, ir patches, inhalers, etc.. all produced by regulated companies, who have probably got links to big pharmaceutical organizations who are cashing in even more with these products that in my opinion do not work as well as the e-cig. This is again is a problem for these big organizations, because they can't cash in on the electronic cigarette, it seems it won't be passed by the FDA and Google adwords, Facebook Ads seem to have banned the advertisement of them, saying they are tobacco related? yet there is NO tobacco at all in them and have yet in over 4 years to be proved to be bad for a human being by the FDA or anybody else even though there have been extensive tests carried out?

Yes this is strange, and i wonder, just wonder who is behind all this? At the end of the day, large organizations are making a lot of money from people becoming ill, diseased, infected etc.. when much of it could be prevented easily!

i hope you like my article, and agree with me. :)

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