Role of UK government in Training and Development

Posted by Emma Zoe
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The government of UK plays an important role when it comes to the development of the human resources in any industry. Government also arranges some training programs to make sure that the people could have employment opportunity. Government also prepares the training and development policies which are followed by the organisations.

UK has been facing the issue of less motivated and disengaged work force in the past 2 years which led to higher employee turnover rate in the organisations. The main reason identified for this was the lack of training and development of the employees in the organisations.

Some steps taken by the government of UK to handle the issue are:

Providing relaxation to the organisations in the taxes so that they could spend more on the training and development activities of the employees.

Allowing the organisations to have more control over the funds for the development of the employees so that they could use these funds as per the requirement in the specific organisation

Government of UK has started many facilities to develop the skills in the young people which could help them in getting the right employment. National Youth Academy for Management is such organisation which is founded by the government to make sure that the country has more people who are well qualified in the business management.

Competency movement has impacted on the public and private sectors?

The competency movement was started by the government of UK to make the human resources in the country competent and skilled. The main motive of the movement is to make sure that the human resources stay updated with the advances in the corporate world and have the desired skills. This movement is not only limited to the public sector but also include private sector.

Through the competency movement, government of UK has been promoting the participation of the employees in decision making process. Competency movement is using the equal opportunity and inclusion in the training and development of the people.

The competency movement has helped the public sector and private sector to come together and organises training and development activities for the people. Once the training is done, private organisations also provide the opportunity of employment to the people who have successfully completed the training.

How contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government

Contemporary training initiative introduced by the UK government is the program to develop the human resources in the organisations. UK Commission of Employment and Skills have setup the guidelines for the functions of the human resource department in the organisations which are being followed by the organisations. Under the contemporary training initiative, the government of UK has formed Skill Funding Agency to help the small organisations so that they could arrange the training programs for their employees. The funds are arranged by the government and sometimes employees in the public sector also attend the training programs as guest lecturers who give knowledge to the employees in the organisations about the best practices and how to incorporate self managed learning in their routine. Government of UK is also providing apprenticeship to the students which help them in developing the skills relevant to the demand in the market. A certificate of apprenticeship is also provided to the participants after the completion of the apprenticeship program.

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