From Good To Great by Jim Collins is not what I would call recommended reading. To start with it is a very thick book. And the book is not a management book as such, but an investigation into why some organisations succeed in evolving into great organisations whereas other organisations never progress beyond a good or acceptable level.

The results of the investigation show that personal leadership is at the root of all success.

You determine your success!

Discovering the answers to questions such as where your energy comes from? and what inspires and energises you? and what activities you experience as fun?

For many years Eelkje (my wife) and myself have applied the underlying principles to our management coaching & training for traditional business organisations (and recently for network marketing and associate organisations).

When we enjoy our work then performing that work is effortless - we feel inspired - we feel energised - we get into the flow of things. We feel passionate about our work, as I do about network marketing.

Flow occurs when a self-motivated person links up with the right (work) environment.

Self-motivation is the internal drive that each person has to discover within him/herself and commitment is linking into the (right) environment.

Self-motivation: your attitude - your why - be alert to what inspires you

Right environment: your belief - the company vision - the team system - the people inspire you

Linking into the environment: your commitment - your goal setting - your planning - your effortlessly walking the talk and keeping in touch

So in short, the key to personal success is:

Strong self-motivation and a commitment to the right environment

How do you recognise this in an employee, business partner or fellow associate? (the old saying of the right person in the right place)

How do you recognise this in a personally sponsored associate?

How do you recognise it in yourself?

Well here are some of the tell-tale signs:

    * You are enthusiastic about the organisation
    * You are enthusiastic about the possibilities
    * You have fun in your work
    * You get into the flow of things
    * You do your work effortlessly
    * Things around you seem to take care of themselves
    * You feel energised
    * Your most significant performance measure = you really enjoy your work
    * You find that you give yourself every opportunity and space to continue developing (education) - attending online presentations & trainings - it is not a drag.
    * You find that you are better able to recognise & utilise the possibilities in the environment around you -  building your contact list each day - working your list each day - it is not a drag

Bottom line and the moral to this story?

You can better have one employee or associate who is committed to the business as described above, than 10 associates that give you the feeling that you have to keep pepping up their motivation, or pepping up their belief in the business, or chasing them to attend meetings or contact prospects or build & work their lists.

Build your business around that 1 in 10 associate. Commit to that one person and do not allow yourself to be derailed or slowed down or dragged back by the other 9.

Here is a quote from a recent training session for uVme:

At the end of the day you only need to find yourself 3 self-motivated, enthusiastic and committed associates to build yourself a great uVme business.

And here is a recent quote from Google:

We only employ the best people. That way we do not have to end up firing anybody.

Enjoy and good luck!

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