The serious skin problem, acne occurs when oil and dead cell pores clogs the pores of skin in a person. Depending upon how many dead cells have been clogged up and on personal hygiene of a person there are different types of acne. Usually adult/teen acne begins the time of puberty when hormones start changing in fast way. Whiteheads, pimples and blackheads are the various symptoms of acne. Whiteheads can be defined as white bumps on skin that happened by reason of the collection of dead and oily skin. Pimple is a clogged skin pore that has got infected with bacteria. Blackheads are pin-head sized dark spots on the skin caused by small plugs in pores.

Often people believe acne attacks by reason of excessive eating of chocolates and greasy food items. But the reality is these items only make worse the acne ailment. Acne also results from too much intake of oily skin care products that clogs the skin pores. Another factor that causes acne is Hereditary.

It is vital to follow a good teen acne treatment for maintaining proper skin care regime. In treating teen acne problem efficiently, cleaning your facial skin two times a day with acne soap helps. Also make sure that you clean your hair on regular basis to get rid of acne. Extensive treatments such as collagen injections (Zyderm) and gelatin implants (Fibrel) can be used to treat severe acne. These injections are directly injected into the acne scars that cause the skin to rise and become smooth later on.

Keep a control over your eating habits. To treat teen acne, keep the consumption of refined carbohydrates, fats, and meat and diary products in minimum quantity. Since caffeine affects hormonal balance badly, keep a test over your caffeine consumption. The above written food items are acidic in nature. If eaten in larger quantities, they lead to the formation of acne on your skin. In its place opt for fresh fruit and vegetables which alkali in nature and accordingly helps in treating teen acne.

As it is true that hormonal imbalance causes acne, it is very much significant to restore the hormones in their balanced state. Stress is a major factor that causes over-production of hormones. Therefore by involving into techniques like yoga, prayanams, keep your stress levels in control.

Avoid using harsh skin care products as this will dry your skin for teen acne treatment. They make glands to produce more oil and thus more acne on your skin. As much as possible go for mild skincare products.

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