No matter how good the sensual experience, anybody is always open to even better sensual activity – and men should know that while a healthy male organ is essential for sensual satisfaction, sometimes a woman may desire a little extra something from another body part: the tongue. Even men who are oral enthusiasts may not be as expert at giving oral sensual activity as they may think. So, without neglecting the prime attention to male organ care which a man needs, he should also spend some time learning how to use his tongue to better advantage with a few sensual tips. 

It's not all about the female organ. 

When a man thinks about oral sensual activity with a woman, his thoughts pretty much focus on the female organ and stay there. 

In fact, as pleasurable as oral attention to the female organ is, a woman usually enjoys a little attention elsewhere. A guy should start where he's got the greatest experience: the mouth. Engaging in some long, loving kisses is pretty much guaranteed to be a good start. But if it's agreed that a guy is going to be dedicating himself to orally pleasuring a woman, he should also move beyond mere kissing. Running the tongue sensually along a partner's lips or gently, lightly nibbling on the lips can be quite exciting for some women. 

From the lips, move on to other areas of the body as one works one's way down. For example, kissing the nape or lingering at the earlobes can be very stimulating. And definitely spend a nice long time kissing, licking and – if this can be done with enough sensitivity – lightly nibbling her chest. 

But it still is a lot about the female organ. 

All of this is important, but it's still a preliminary to engaging orally with the female organ. Keep these tips in mind while demonstrating your expertise with your tongue: 

- Start slowly. The female organ’s external hot button is keenly sensitive, and it may take a few minutes for it to become acclimated to a guy's ministrations. A man shouldn't dive in with all he has; rather, he should slowly warm it up. It's important to take one's time and to move one's tongue slowly around the entire area, even what may be “under the hood.”

- Take breaks. Let her sensitive area have a few moments to adjust, especially in the beginning. Transfer attentions to the mound above or to the thighs, and then return to the "main event" again. But be judicious in taking breaks: Once the appropriate rhythm is established, it will be frustrating if a man sneaks away, even for a minute.

- Commit to it. Once it is clear that one's partner has become wholly engaged, the man needs to make a strong commitment to bringing her maximum pleasure. One method which often brings about the most pleasure for a woman is when, after she has been warmed up, the man places his mouth open around a wide area and creates a kind of "suction seal." Sucking gently but committedly while at the same time allowing the tongue to flicker back and forth is often the best way to bring about a memorable release.

Giving oral sensual activity to one's partner is a marvelous way to show one cares – and it very often leads to a reciprocal effort on her part.

Of course, if a guy wants oral sensual activity (or better sensual activity of any kind), it helps to present a healthy male organ; after all, no woman wants to put in her mouth an organ that doesn't look appealing. Regular use of a top-notch male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help address many common male organ health issues. For example, a man whose manhood carries a strong (and not pleasant) odor may benefit from a crème with vitamin A. This crucial vitamin has anti-bacterial properties which may eliminate persistent male organ odor. Men with a cracked, wrinkled look to their manhood skin need a crème that also contains a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid. This can defuse the oxidative processes that make member look early only aged.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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