How To Rid Of Acne

Posted by Tupei Lu
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Did you realize that the skin is actually an organ of the body and it is the biggest organ? Most people just think of it to be a covering for the body but in reality, it does various things that help to heal and to keep the body clean. The unfortunate fact is, it is also responsible in a number of cases for detoxifying the body and if it is overloaded, the problems can show up quite visibly. You may have problems with other organs of your body and would never really know it, but the skin is going to show those problems for the entire world to see.

Before embarking on your journey for a lotion, take the time to visit a dermatologist. A dermatologist can point you in the right direction and in some cases provide you with a prescription lotion that is usually more effective than what can be purchased in store. Sticking to a schedule and following the guidelines listed on lotions and advised by dermatologist will lead to you getting rid of acne permanently and effectively.

Many factors can cause acne to be worse. These include:

- Pore clogging cosmetics like oils and gels etc.
- Bad mental stress such as anxiety and fear (Emotions agitate your hormones and can affect the quality of your skin).
- Menstruation or monthly period cycles for women.
- Touching and massaging pimples that have arisen.
- Rubbing the skin too strongly.
- Poor environmental conditions (living in places with lots of dust, smoke and dirt will irritate your skin. This is an important cause of acne that is external to oneself).

It is natural for teenagers who are going through hormonal changes to experience acne. It usually goes away by itself, rarely needing aggressive treatment. However, when you have acne as an adult it is usually your body's reaction to your lifestyle and/or environment. Things such as smoking, chocolate, eating fatty foods, insufficient sleep, dirty bed linen or being in oily environments can trigger acne. If any of these sounds like you, then a natural acne treatment such as change in environment, diet, and/or hygiene habits can often prove efficient in treating the condition. The best acne treatment is eating a balanced diet. It is very important that you provide your body with efficient vitamins and minerals to fight off the acne.

An acne treatment all-rounder; It is widely available in many forms including gel and juice and can be used as topical treatment. However, combining its natural healing powers with other anti acne products will help in getting faster and more effective results. Products such as Exposed Skin Care System consist of it and are your best bet when it comes to quick eradication of the condition.