Ads, Ads & More ads... It's almost a joke...

Posted by Eric Smith
Oct 7, 2007
OK, i'm going to step on my soap box for a minute... Buy this! _Buy this Buy this. Buy this.. But this... Buy this_ Buy this ? I don't know about those doing it, but if i had to send the same ad to a dozen groups and only change the title enough to be recognised as a new subject by APsense software... I would feel absolutely desperate & embarrassed... When i open APsense express and there are a dozen "ad posts" in a row, i can't help but laugh, surely a program like APsense is attracting serious (professionally minded) marketers who know better than this type of strategy... For those that don't know, industry stats show that an ad needs around 8 exposures before someone clicks or responds (average)... But thats not 8 viewings in a row... its over time. Of course the problem is, many of us have subscribed to multiple groups and when someone sends an advertisement - they repeat the same thing to multiple groups. The simple and more productive solution here is to Post LESS, but post to a HIGHER niche group. Don't just send your ad to a group because it says "Advertise Free". If you sell Bird seed, look for groups about birds... If you sell Garden Tools, look for groups about Gardening... Be Professional in your approaches and you will receive stronger results.
Comments (52)
Jonathan E. Rudd, II...

IBO, Total Life Changes

AMEN. I agree that we need to be professional about our advertising. Great post. Now that that is out of the way, Buy This...Gotcha!

Oct 9, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Thats true Steve, but even Forest Gump got it wrong when he said life was like a box of chocolates... someone forgot to tell Forest that we can "Choose the Box"...

If i join a group for "Business Information and Advice" I would expect to get... Business information and advice, not "Join now.... best opportunity of all time..." type of Subjects...

Oct 9, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional


Exactly my point, an article with a line at the bottom saying "more information can be found by...." etc.

If you find you can't write well borrow someone elses article (there are tons of article directories out there that allow you to re-use their content and duplicated content is often not a problem when used on a different domain... besides, if the article is used as an "Advetorial" SEOing the article is not always what the user wants to do... if it was they would concentrate on c

Oct 9, 2007 Like it
Coach Steve Toth

I don't know about you but I can't turn on the TV, the Radio, Read the Paper or go out without being blasted by ads. I can't go into a retail store and be left alone for just two seconds without someone coming up to me and want to sell me something!

In this culture in the US this has become acceptable. I know in Europe you can still go into a store and they will be grateful that you came into their establishment and they will leave you alone. My European friends can correct me here if I ne

Oct 9, 2007 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

It Pays to Advertise....
But it doesn't pay to SHOUT...

Pointing people to information that can help them make a personally developed decisions is an art form..

And we are all budding Artisits..
When developing a selas campign think about what you would want to see and Hear..
And then put it to the Test with those already in your circle....

At Apsense...Contribute to Topic, but there is nothing wrong with directing one to more information..that may result in a sale!

Oct 9, 2007 Like it
MichaelAp Clayton

I Earn My Income Online ...Join Me

Hi All

There are no 10 Commandments for the internet.

There are no set procedures to follow and this is almost the same in off line marketing now days.

Now wonder people do as they like and post ads everywhere.

Most are just trying to make a little extra money and learn something as they go.

Don't be to judgmental ... To survive online you need to be tough or have a high tolerance level.

Oct 9, 2007 Like it
Adrianne Geyer

We all need to advertise in order for our biz to survive but how you advertise is just as important as where you advertise. A marketer could be reaching his target audience but if their approach is all wrong, then his advertising efforts have been wasted.

Oct 9, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Oh Eric, you're baiting me with that competition crack aren't you? ;)

Seriously, very well said.

Oct 8, 2007 Like it
Sheila Sultani

I'm afraid I don't read anything I recieve in Apsense Express, During my first few weeks, all I recieved where ads from members trying to get me to join their pograms. This is not why I joined Apsense, I wanted fresh ideas and new information from fellow marketers. I love browsing groups and finding relevent info - people in here really have a lot to offer. I just wish they would stop trying to get me to buy stuff. I don't post ads here. I don't think that is what this community should be a

Oct 8, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hey Bj,

I know, this topic has been raised several times, some people either didn't read the other posts or don't want to "Learn" while they are here, so as Karen said, it seems like time for an update....

Maybe, as Teodor touched on, some people are posting multiple ads to get more exposures for WOA. But what most who do this don't seem to realise, is when the same ad appears in APsense Express with almost exactly the same subject, its an automatic delete.....

Blogs on the other hand a

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

Well, maybe I am on the Fence.
I abhor shouting baltant garbage, but if you have a proved solution to a problem posted, I feel it appropriatre to "advertise".

Of course I am very prejudicial.

Advertising is my life, since I am a "peddler".
You know, one of those people who make COMMERCE happen.

But the Success comes from relationships...

We have an obligation to Share Knowledge with those receptive to answers

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

As for me, it was an absurd reason to write duplicate content, not advertising as I don't care about selling anything here. I know that all people here try to promote their business and nobody cares about what I have to sell, so my goal here is not to sell something to you. If you'll find my ads and like something that's up to you.

But, back to my issue, Apsense just released new feature paying for articles you write in blogs and groups. Joining more groups of my interest I just posted my subje

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Most of us likely have been guilty of this at some point or another in time. I think the real point here is there are many better, more effective and professional ways to promote. Most importantly, let us not forget what this community is - A Business SOCIAL Network, Not a forum for blatent shouting. There are already more than enough places online where blatent shouting is all you see, here there are people building relationships and putting others first!

Touch The Heart Before

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


I have unfortunately been guilty of this...not meaning to. I am just a hyper, happy, and persistent gal...with a loud mouth..
but am learning the ropes of things!

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I already wrote few blogs and at leat one article on this topic, but Eric is poiting it from a different perspective.

One thing I have to say about DUPLICATE content submissions here: I was one of the sinners here at Apsense and did this (changing the titles and sending to more groups) but I have repented, after the discussion we had at Apsense, and I fill MUCH better now! It's just my own experience...

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

This topic certainly has been raised in other threads, but I agree with Eric that it is time to bring it to the forefront again. There are new people coming into Apsense all the time, and those old threads tend to get buried. I have noticed an increase in the ads in Apsense Express, and in my inbox again.

Certainly we all have our "own way" of doing things, but the point here is that sending multiple ads to multiple groups (or sending ads at all) is not an effective way to use social networ

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Sherri-Anne Myers

Ladystrange Lingerie

Well this is a a little complicated in my mind. I have groups that are ads for my opportunities. I actually hope to help people succeed with the things I offer, with these groups.

When I post in other groups I refrain from ads and genuinely try to be helpful. There are some questions people ask, such as How to get traffic, referrals, etc.. that call for a link and I am guilty of posting referral links, But I would not post them if I felt they were unhelpful.

So, I do not know I try to be et

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Dave,

You are so right. This topic has been done to death here.

I personally see no point in repeating what I have already said in other threads on this subject.

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I must say I'm guilty of using the delete button in my created groups. The policy is no blatant ads. The purpose of the groups are to share information and get to know each other. I''ve had several members join and post ads. So I've posted the policy in writing on the one I have had the most persistent problem. The first two ads will be deleted, after that as Group creator/administrator I will block the offending party. Each member has been encouraged to include their link in their signatu

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

Claudia, there are no 'gurus' here. Just Google 'internet marketing guru' and you'll not find many of our names there. :)
We are all learning and that's why some of us prefer more material that will help with that.
Everyone has days when it can be a little tiring to have to wade through ads to find a good post with some quality content, rather than three lines with a link to another opportunity site. On days like that, I too have felt like posting as subject like Eric's. Haven't you felt that

Oct 7, 2007 Like it
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