Contact Info
7802830111 -
Edmonton -
Internet Marketing for Local Business
Jan 2010 to PresentWe help local businesses create and maintain a web presence
May 2007
Well being also a Canadian l have to admit you have over done your business centre you have not missed a beat. A job that is well done organized easy...
Karen Weir is a bright, talented, creative woman who has mastered the art and craft of internet marketing. Her dedication to helping others, her per...
Wow Karen, Your Biz Centre is looking really smart these days! It is full up with loads of interesting stuff with widgets to match. i take my h...
Karen, I absolutely love your business centre, it's clear concise, no gimmicks or tricks, just exactly what people need. It has given me the inspirat...
Hi Karen Absolutely awesome presentation given the limited resource tools that we have available.I enjoyed the music inserts. All the best with your ...