The Reasons to DROP - Conclusions

Posted by Teodor M.
Sep 21, 2007
Being in business for over 20 years, I like to help groups with my humble knowledge on marketing. What I usually do is to post an article to more than one group with that specific topic, in order to contribute with content to my joined groups. Is it ok with Apsense rules posting the same content on more groups? I’m not sure but if you belong to more than one group, why do not share your content that might help people from all those groups? Can someone clear this aspect? Thanks. Back to my issue, I see a phenomenon when I post a new subject in a specific group I’ve joined. People from one group rate it as TOP few times, while in another group the same article was dropped once. Why this happens? Few reasons to meditate and see if someone find him/herself there: - Freedom of expression, used or understood in bad way - The competition doesn’t like you, not the content - The content requires higher level of knowledge in that domain, so the visitor gets angry… - You just play with the buttons and don’t care about author’s effort… - The topic is different from group’s topic (this could be an objective reason). I couldn’t find more that one objective reason to drop someone’s good work even if it’s competing with my work… If you do, please let me know! All the above-mentioned reasons are subjective, so why to drop? I just can't imagine what kind of brain these people have? If I don't like something (for example I don’t like so many ads published in wrong places), I just leave that page but don't drop. When I see my so-called “competition” publishing good articles I TOP them not drop! What nasty people don’t understand is that social networking is not based on “traditional” competition but on valuing community and people, help each other growing, friendly attitude, positive criticism and so on. I’d like our community growing and keeping here all those who understand and know the value of this great business oriented social networking community named Apsense. Saying this, believe me, I will TOP all your good content and even will help other to write good quality content. For good quality copywriting I will recommend you to hire a paid consultant or coach, but for quality content you can count on me, and if you are a sociable Apsenser I wont charge you for that. What would you like to see? Toppers or Droppers? Waiting to find out your frank and honest opinion. Thanks.
Comments (83)
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Exactly Teodor! Isn't it fascinating? I love philosophy. In college I was heavy into debating. In order to be on the debate team, we studied Hermeneutics as part of our communication courses. Without interpretation, there would be no need for discussion - all we'd need is signs and symbols that are universally understood. Lynn, I never take comments pertaining to opinion personally. We can speak directly to one another, and even hold opposing opinions without judgement.

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

We even have a science of interpretation named Hermeneutics. So it's okay with human beings to interpret, other species cannot do it. This is why we are now talking here and have our comments.
Regarding administrators' job, it's no doubt that is not an easy work and it's deeply appreciated. At list I had all my questions answered fast since I'm here. Many othes sites wont do it so fast, or some wont doit at all.

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I was just making it clear that I wasn't the one deciding what the guidelines meant. This was coming from the owners and I moderate on their behalf. This was just clearing the air in general, as to how my decisions are reached. You were the one to make the interpretation comment, so I addressed you. Nothing personal. Lynn

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Hi Lynn,

Interpretation is not a bad word... LOL. Quite literally, when it comes to communication, its all we have - we all interpret what is told to us verbally or written.

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Your welcome :)

When the new guidelines are posted, everything should be clearer to everyone. I also want to add that this is not my "interpretation" of the guidelines. This is what has been told to me by the owners of apsense and has been asked for me to uphold. Lynn

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Hi Thea,

I love Eric's analogy too! Awesome way to look at it.

I completely agree with you Thea. This is the thing with perceptions and intrepretations. I interpret the rules to say that I may not post a advertising url as well... and it seems to me that is reasonable. I understand that Bj and Lynn's interpretation is that no urls are permitted at all. I accept that, but I also agree with Eric, that administrators will always need to contend with those who interpret different than the

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

Thank you Lynn. That's good advice.

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Hi Thea,
An updated and more clear version is in the works. As far as your other question, it takes 3 members to mark a post as unrelated before it is removed. As you mentioned this has not happened in your groups. I would imagine this wouldn't happen in individual groups unless it was actually unrelated. Being able to mark a comment as unrelated is every members choice. If you see a worthy post in your group being marked unrelated. You could just message your member that they are more than

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

Very good comment Eric. I like it. A great way to look at it.

With regard comments here about links in posts. In the Apsense group description, it reads:

This group is for ALL Apsense users! GOT questions, comments feedbacks? Please feel free to discuss anything Apsense related in this group.
Basic Rules for this Group:
- No Advertisments URLs in subject or comments
- No Spamming Post
- No foul language, we are all professionals here.
Violations of any of these rules may result in removal from

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Thank you :)

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi All

KARENNNNNN! I was not arguing with you . You KNOW i would never argue with you! lol When I said thgat I understood about the rules it was because, after seeing your post, BJ very kindly explained to me why a post had been put into "unrelated" - it was a suggestion to look at a blog. And I didnt realise ithat was the only problem. - but by the time I posted it - i did. That was all.

How am I ever going to disagree with you when I dont do things like that! lol And i know you know

Sep 23, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Thank you for referring to my words. I am hoping that others are building friendships and working relationships and partnerships also. This is a wonderful setting for this to be able to happen. Lynn

Sep 23, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I treat each group as I do another persons home.

I don't smoke, but if i did and i went to a friends house that had "No Smoking" signs up, i'm not going to ignore there wishes and light up any way. In fact if someone were to light up a smoke in my home i would politely ask them to put it out.

We have the ability to set up what could be considered 5 "homes" (groups) each here, we can even rent them out and make an income (WOA)...

As a result, we should treat the group as we would a frie

Sep 23, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Teodor,

I am so glad you have had some rest. Personally I have been on the go now for 23 hours straight.

Am I to take it that members are not satisfied with the fact that they have the ability to create 5 groups of their own to post what ever they want in them?

Is it too much to ask that members be allowed 1 group where they can come and ask questions and get help on APSense RELATED things?

Is it too much to ask that members can do these things without having to wade through hundr

Sep 23, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

One more thing, I hope it's ok to talk about it a little here.

I wanted to start my previous comment with "Hello Friends!"
But then realised that many of us know nothing about each other. Most of social networking sites call people on their contact list as "friends" and they have about 1000 or 2000...!? I don't think it is possible to have so many real friends. But I always wonder if to start my mail messages to my contacts with "Hello Friend" or not... You cannot say "Hello Contact" ;-)


Sep 23, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Hello Apsensers,

I’m back from my rest time and from the church. I hope that this discussion will clarify some things and wont create more problems here at our community. So please understand that we all are human beings and make mistakes, and if we are ready to listen to others and also have our opinions, I think everything is okay, if also are ready to change what was wrong. I’m ready to change and listen to all of you, but we will need to have a conclusion here. So, as I starte

Sep 23, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Hi Jenny,

I completely understand the rules... and the role of moderators to "enforce" the rules. IMHO the purpose for having human moderators is to add the human element.

In my mind the "rule" was implemented to prevent advertising/spam. Clearly, the phrase "unrelated comments" reflects that original intent. However, there are many reasons to post a link that have NOTHING to do with advertising or solicitation.

There have been times when I wanted to direct people to a video, a p

Sep 23, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Hello Bj,

It appears that you feel insulted by my comment, and perhaps that it was an instance where you are getting "bitched at with snide remarks". That was certainly not my intent! My comments are never directed at you or any administrator. I have nothing but respect and admiration for administrators. In addition, I had no way of knowing who felt the posts in questions were unrelated.

I am simply stating my opinions and my feelings on the matter. I have always thought that the AB

Sep 23, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Gee, I get some sleep and miss all the excitement. But, it seems that Bj has spoken very well for both of us. I enjoy my moderation position here very much. I answer alot of private messages from members, helping them get settled and getting things sorted. Bj does this too. And we also keep an eye on this group for apsense. We follow the guidelines that have been given to us and all members are treated equally. Does it bother me when members lash out at us? Not really, because I get a whole lot

Sep 23, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi Teodor

I think this group has served to clear the air about one or two topics here - including the rules on the ApSense Group.

Bj, we do appreciate all the hours and attention you all give to this community and all your efforts to be impartial.

I would have agreed with EVERYTHING Karen has said - but now you have explained that even a reference to another group or blog is forbidden - I understand the removal of two posts as "unrelated comments" They were not in fact unrealted, just broke t

Sep 23, 2007 Like it
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