This business point system

Posted by Bob Laibach
Jul 31, 2007
I do not agree with this at all. The rules clearly state: 19) How is the official score calculated on the HOT or NOT rating system? The official score is the average of all the votes, in other words it is the total ratings divided by the total number of votes. A minimum of 10 voters has to vote on a particular ABC website before an average is taken. For example, if your ABC website was voted by 10 voters and everyone gave your website a 10 rating, your official score is 10. I have 5 votes yet my score was calculated and is posted to my page. So I guess the 10 rule really doesn't exist. Also I can see this hurting businesses who are just promoting affiliate links. You won't have a flashy ABC website. Maybe it is just me but I see problems with this system. First people will judge you because of this score. The score is right smack on top of your page. Now they are leary about doing business with you because someone gave you a bad rating. So your opportunity is now junk to these people. However they may be wrong in jumping to conclusions. You may have a great product or service. I said this before and I'll say it again. I am not trying to please everyone. This can't be done. I also don't like playing politician. This is what VOTES means to me. You not only have to sell you product or service, you now have keep a public image (politician) A traffic exchange is okay but not this point system. How do we know if your compitition is just blasting your site? Unless they leave comments there is no way of knowing who voted what way or why. Maybe I am confused but I do see these as problems
Comments (25)
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Do you think perhaps its a good idea if only as an incentive for members to spend the time developing their business centres ?

We all joined APsense with the same level of knowledge about it (being absolutely none). The layout is simple. No harder than Filling in the form to register in the first place. Its just a matter of looking around to see where everything fits. It took me a few hours (over a period of a week or so) just to get the hang of it....

Members just need to be informed th

Aug 1, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Well after reading this whole topic, I can only make thie following comment:

I agree with Karen ! lol
This comment of hers says it all for me
"What about eliminating the Hot or Not voting altogether? I am in favor of a traffic exchange, but seriously... beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I understand the "nature of the beast" Bj, but it seems to me that APSense is becoming far more of a popularity contest than a content rich community"

I love the Business Centres - they give us a great chan

Aug 1, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

Hi Brian,

Yes... I recall your website (abc) ... that makes sense now...

Darn... I was looking for another 'federal case' to get
all ryled up about! LOL!

Thnks for accepting my review!

Now I understand why it seems a lot of credits haven't come through for that... some folks are only here a few hours a week!

I must be the one in Beta mode... not this website!

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Brian Ockert

Hi Beth
To answer your point about who approves the reviews it is the abc owner you are reviewing. I know you reviewed my site for which I thank you - it's the first one - and I have approved your review so it shows in my testimonials. If I receive a negative review I have the opportunity to reject it but I would consider even a negative review as long as it was constructive criticism.

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

Well, after reading what Bob wrote at the start of this thread... and going thru all the comments... that got a little into the philosophy of marketing ... I don't know if this is where I should pose this question...

it has to do with hot or not...

based on this:
25) How do I earn Exchange Points?
You can earn Exchange Points by voting and writing reviews on ABC websites rotated on the Apsense Business Exchange. You will recieve 1 Exchange Point for every unique vote you make and for ev

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I have read the book ;o)

And "the science of being well" too...

Actually, I agree with everything you wrote then. We do need to encourage our kids (and ourselves) to do our personal best, but as i said, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, therefore we need a comparison to set the "original" bar...

This thread, some replies at least, were saying the points system was not fair because competition may vote each other down. I noticed on your ABC you have a similar product to w

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

I said I wouldn't enter a debate and look at us go LOL. I am not saying the competition does not exist Eric. Of course it does, and of course I have participated. As I said it takes a paradigm shift, and it is not an easy feat to move from the competitive to the creative.

Many athletes, like Tiger Woods, compete with themselves. They strive to improve and to be the best they can be. Other athletes who are there simply for the win, will resort to taking steroids or otherwise cheating.

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional


So your not a fan of any sport ? Tennis, Baseball, Netball, Basketball....

You've never entered a competition to win a prize ? Magazine word searches, Cooking competitions...

You'e never watched younger kids trying to be like their older siblings ?

You don't watch quiz shows ?

You've never voted for American Idol or Americas got talent ?

You've never tried to improve your "Sundays Roast" ?

Competition exists in EVERYTHING we do, we need to accept it, grow because of i

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

"....To think in terms of competition throws you into the illusionary "finite" world of limitation...."

This is the mindset of lack. When you have a need to have an "edge" over your competition, to beat them or win... you do so because you have a mindset of lack "finite" "world of limitation"... when you enter the creative plane, you realize there is more than enough to go around "infinite", therefore no need to compete.

When competition is eliminated, freedom is realized. No longer lim

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hey Perry,

Perry said - "....To think in terms of competition throws you into the illusionary "finite" world of limitation...."

hmmmm intersting...

I would have thought NOT thining in terms of competition places you in a finite world of limitation. has been famously quoted, For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

If i see my competiotion moving in a new direction, my reaction would be to move forward with them....

Without the need to move and grow and

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Thank you Perry! The Science of Getting Rich is the absolute best book I have ever read. The study has completely changed my life, in many more ways than business.

~ Karen ~

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

I won't debate with you Eric. I understand where you are coming from, because I too was there once. I now understand that there is no need for competition, friendly or otherwise. It takes effort and a complete paradigm shift, but when we leave the competitive plane for the creative, great things begin to happen.

~ Karen ~

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Perry Davis


Thanks for you post about competition

Competition is needed for any business.
This is a myth

The theme of non-competitiveness, is totally foreign to our civilized way of thinking. To think in terms of competition throws you into the illusionary "finite" world of limitation. Thus thinking there is not enough to go around.

The creative world is infinite, and unlimited

Wallace D Wattles "The Science of Getting Rich"

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

There is a difference between Agressive Competition and Co-operative competition. The latter being necessary for business growth.

It would be physically impossible to be associated with a Network Marketing company and NOT welcome competition... The whole structure of Network Marketing is based on multiple legs promoting the same line of products... if one can't learn to cope in this "competitive environment" then Network Marketing is not for that individual...

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

As a student of the Law of Attraction, I stopped competing and starting cooperating and guess what happened? Competition is borne out of a mindset of lack, of scarcity, and once you realize that there is no such thing as lack - you are free to give instead of take and abundance follows. This is a simplistic explanation Eric, but the bottom line is taught in almost every religion - that when you give of yourself, you receive more in return.

Competition is one of the myths in business that

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional


As a professional marketer i find it confusing that you would say

"..the competitive "nature of the beast", is not necessary in my opinion..."

Competition is needed for any business.

Having competition is a driving force for most business owners to improve their business and make it "better" than their competition....

I have nothing against the Exchange system.... I don't yet see the relevance of the "score" unless it places sites in a more dominant position or some other

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Patricia Knapps

Gift shop owner

Hi everybody'
I love this site and I really do appreciate everything that it does for me,but I am new at this and I am old and not too bright sometimes and I feel I am doing the best I can with what I have got to do it with and I am just chugging along. I just really don't want to be policed or ridiculed by my peers,instead I want to exist happily here. If you like my site fine,if not that's also fine. We all need to start somewhere to learn and grow and I don't know about the rest of you but I

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Bob Laibach

I 100% agree with you. Popularity is how politicians work. That is what I meant by saying that in the first place. Business is competitive enough without having to compete against our peers.

Bob Laibach

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

What about eliminating the Hot or Not voting altogether? I am in favor of a traffic exchange, but seriously... beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I understand the "nature of the beast" Bj, but it seems to me that APSense is becoming far more of a popularity contest than a content rich community.

Don't get me wrong, I love this place and it has definately helped my business. The resources are amazing. My only complaint is the competitive "nature of the beast", which is not necessary i

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Lifestyle

As a programmer I can say anything is feasible but at what cost in processor overheads?

With a current potential of almost 12.000 members that could be casting votes the resources for this one operation alone would undoubtedly slow the system down.

The number of extra Database queries and the extra data that would have to be saved would be extremely high.

Bill Brown aka Bjantiques

Jul 31, 2007 Like it
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