Why do people use fake photos for their profile page?

Posted by Lisa F.
Mar 4, 2014
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Comments (95)
faii acy

GPT Site Owner/Operator

^^^Once again, a "looks don't matter" post from a beautiful girl. Would an ugly girl have said that?

While you are of course correct Lisa, there is no question that an attractive picture will get you noticed sooner and for longer than will an unattractive one. Perhaps this is why I can slip around un-noticed?

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Hee hee...Thank you for your share Lim Hoo Chon. It's not a matter of looks. I don't think it matters if you're ugly or pretty, it's how you are that matters. ^_~

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Lim Hoo Chon

forex introducing broker/trader/mon

They think they are ugly.

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

And 'good' is the way. Thank you for sharing Solid Netmoney. ^_^

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Solidnetmoney Founder

Social Entrepreneur, humanitarian

Real internet marketers or anyone seeking online presence, wealth, followers or anything must bring in the reality of letting others know who they are, what and where they aim for?
I always tell my whole story, use real my pictures, real name in everything..
As of this account i used solidnetmoney as my brand name but my profile has all about me; my profile pic is my face on a million dollar bill, even posted it on facebook!
SO I hope all wanna be or new comers follow the right path to doing s

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Well Adnan, I am glad I can turn you into thinking about something you didn't think about. It's fun to have topics like this so we can learn from each other and share ideas or opinions. I say, "KUDOS!" to all those using their own photos or company logos and icons. Shame on those using fake pictures (photos of someone else). I mean really...did you think we can't tell? ^_~ Let's just say we faked it too! Yah, we believe that's really you in the photo. ^_^

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

There you go Isabelle, good for you!!!
We may or may never know the exact reason but we can certainly narrow them down to all the possibilities as to why they would do such a thing. Thank you Zak for your share...^_^

Jan 29, 2013 1 Like Like it
Zak R.

E commerce and online home biz

It may be due to a privacy factor, but I think it has to do with what kind of personality these people have. Some people are sociable, interactive and outgoing, where as such people may be shy and introverts. So their insecure behavior may reflect even on their online character. As a result they prefer to keep a low profile and remain somehow unknown in the same manner they feel in their daily life. Of course, this is not the only reason all people choose fake photos , as there are others who j

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
Isabelle Esling

published author-certified teacher-

I have nothing to hide and i like showing my real face...i am a music journalist and an author, i have books and competencies to sell, why on earth would i hide my face?

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
Adnan Osmanovic

stage manager

I really don't know Lisa.You're brought me into position for the first time thinking about it. Just as I don't know how people can hate or be envious on somebody...

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
Sajjanrao Bawari


I Feel - its a matter of Negativeness or a fear of showing their real faces to the world within those people. I had been wondering the same question for quite some time, Thanks to Lisa to bring up this question - even in forums they(Admin) encourage to use Avatars instead of Real Photos.

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
Daniel Ionel

Marketing Assistant

You have wright Philippe,on social network is better to put the real photo because the people want to see with who will be involved in the business and who make the offer :)

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
Kitty Criston

Market Researcher

i also agree with Philippe and Umeckzki R.

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Right on Robert! Thank you for sharing! ^_~

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Well said Jehobith! Thank you for sharing!

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
Robert Andrew

Internet Marketing Professional

Kumar never thought of that. I of course do not need to worry about that :)

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
Blog B.


very poor or very rich

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
A S Kumar


One reason maybe that they feel they are not very attractive and people will respond positively if they see the real photo. Second reason maybe they feel the photo may be used in bad taste. Thirdly the person does not want others to identify them as they are trying to fake something.

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Ok ...so I have:
1. Privacy issue, hiding identity - I support Philippe's opinion that Apsense is a business environment so don't know why you would hide your identity.
2. Some hide to not attract followers - But if you were a business, wouldn't you want followers?
3. They hide because they're underage - Quite plausible...but does running a business need to dictate an age minimum? A lot of entrepreneurs or hackers are below the age of 16.
4. Hide because fake or ugly - Fake...you don't want

Jan 29, 2013 1 Like Like it
Adam S.

Online Bussiness

for security reason or not confidence ?

Jan 29, 2013 Like it
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