Why do people use fake photos for their profile page?

Posted by Lisa F.
Mar 4, 2014
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Comments (95)
Rehan Khatib

Entrepreneur & MLM Professional

People who hide their identities or create fake profiles, I believe are the people who either have inferiority complex or have intentions of frauds. Honesty is always the best policy. APSense is such a beautiful platform to promote a business as most of the people are on the site look for good genuine income opportunity. By creating fake profile the person deceives himself. In fact it is like abusing a good platform. Hope those involved in such acts would correct themselves. As Neville has state

Feb 3, 2013 1 Like Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Esteban...as long as you don't pretend to be someone else...We all know Lions can't talk. ^_~ thank you for your compliment. ^_^

Jan 31, 2013 Like it
Esteban Martinez

Global Marketing

Well okay i am not used to posting my picture in social networks,your pictures are very good .

Jan 31, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Theo...all the photos are none other than me. ^_^ Thank you for your compliment. ^_^

Jan 31, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Esteban...that's fine...your picture is fine. What I am discussing is like let's say you put a picture of Max George...and you're not Max George, you know? Fake pictures...pretending to be someone you're not. If people want privacy they can post photos of animals, logos or icons...but not take a stock photo of someone or famous people and pretend that's a photo of them self. It's just dishonest and I just wonder why in the heck do people do that. ^_^

Jan 31, 2013 Like it
Esteban Martinez

Global Marketing

well it really doesn't matter what you like ,as long as you are true full in what you are doing(your business) I just happen to like Cats.

Jan 31, 2013 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Faii Acy, if Facebook can't prevent fake accounts, we can't expect APSense to be able to. Not easily, at least.

I guess if APSense didn't have a free membership level, and still the same number of members, it would be easy to afford moderators. But it won't happen :)

Jan 31, 2013 Like it
Theo M.

Network Marketing

Is that your true picture Lisa? Beautiful. I guess they are no confident of themselves.

Jan 31, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

Philippe...it's still happening now. I see so many actors' pictures...not so many actresses though...LOL And then some super model pictures...We all know who is and isn't. LMAO!!!
Rado...Facebook has WAYYYYY too many crazy people. Apsense...not as much but probably because the traffic is not as much as compared to Facebook. Watch out! ^_^
HAHAHAHHHA - Lyle!!! that's funny.
But yah...I only have 1 account on Apsense and one is enough. Don't want to put so many different profiles to get d

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
faii acy

GPT Site Owner/Operator

Yes Philippe, it still happens. It's amazing how many accounts Taylor Swift has here.

But I don't understand the big issue over pictures when there is so much other, more important misrepresentations going on in here.

And the number of multiple accounts is astounding. Why you would need more than one account here I don't know but there's absolutely no security in place

Jan 30, 2013 1 Like Like it
Rado Zupanc


If they come here, why then to hide themselves if they are honest. OK, FB is different as there is a lot of strange persons

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Something else that happened a lot 2 years ago, some people used pictures of actors from their country. Since they were from a country where there is a big movie industry, but not American or Europe, most of us couldn't know they were pictures of actors.

It was other members from the same country who started saying "this is a picture of an actor", and the trend stopped for a while. In some cases, it was funny, there were watermarks in the pictures, I learned to recognize these as pictures of a

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Just to let you know, Brian, the question about fake pictures has come up from time to time, even then, too many people still think it's a good idea to use them

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

LMAO!!! HAHAHA Brian you are too funny. But yah...opening BIG cans of worms is what I specialize in...^_^ Stay with me on my gingerbread crumbs trail...^_~ OR stay lost in the Amazon. ^_^

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Anon E.

Internet Ninja

Nice question LIsa F, I think you have opened a can of worms here. Perhaps a bigger can than you even realise yourself. What a lot of people DO NOT realise however, is that it is very easy to follow the trail they leave back to where they originated....So Watch Yourself - We are onto you!

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

That may be true Saeed...all points taken. Thank you for sharing!

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Saeed Afridi

Online Marketer

actually they are not serious to work and come just pass of their time and some of them have no good intention

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

yes, thank you for your share Black Leggings. Welcome to our topic! ^_^

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Black Leggings


for this diffetrent people have different reasons for not using their original pic as their profile pic

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
Lisa F.

Real Estate Agent, Internet Markete

You Lyle, unnoticed? No Lyle...unnoticed is not for you. Besides...anyone who speaks up here on Apsense will get noticed, one way or another. So the key is to remain proactive and you will meet people from all walks of life.
And yes, the inside is far better than looks...There are too many fake people out there...false promises and lies...

Jan 30, 2013 Like it
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