Where Is God? I can't Fine The True God in My Mine?

Posted by Lowayu Gresik
Nov 8, 2016
4 people like it
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Comments (33)
Franto Hruz

Online Income Systems Development

Gods are not part of the real world. Nature is the highest of all forces, powers and energy ... religion was invented by uneducated humans who had no understanding of natural sciences!

Be a realist ... don't let your mind become confused by stories about gods - these are totally irrational ideas ...

Nov 7, 2016 Like it
Tafesse T.

Supply Chain Management Team

The true God is the God that loved his human creation so much, that he had no choice but to come down to earth himself and make the ultimate sacrifice, because as you know, if you sin, you must go to hell to live with the other creation that betrayed their master.

Jul 27, 2015 Like it
Thehindu Forum

forum management

God is within you, you just need to find it by yourself or with the help of spiritual teacher

Jul 13, 2015 Like it


Almight God is there. what do you see on this earth which was not made through His hand.Trust in Him and all shall move on well He does everything once you ask it......

Oct 5, 2014 Like it
Asmaan Raiz

animation maker (pictures & videos)

Believe in god ,it makes u to know who u are and what u are.....
If u believe in true then why don't u believe him...
he is the lord ...and is the maker of all
Yaa allah plz forgive the unknow ..........plz make them sure u are here and will be with us for ever....

May 27, 2013 Like it
Mohammad Alqabbani

Entrepreneur, Investor & Internet Marketer

I highly recommend this movie to reflect on how science explains life and spirituality "What The Bleep?! Down The Rabbit Hole" Free on UT

May 26, 2013 Like it
Irfan A.

Affiliate Marketer & Seo Expert

God is between us.....Name "ALLAH"God always always true,God can't be false..its will be big sin to say, write and lisen. such a foolish words about God......he always aware to all moments of our life of this world or universe or all these of between sky and earth and know about all skies over the sky.

Mar 13, 2013 Like it
Daniela De Martini


I love God. He is tne reason of my living, He is my best friend. He makes miracles every day in my life, bigger and smaller. Every single day is a miracl of God's love. He saved my life and take me by hand all along my path. I could not live without Him. And in His Love I turn towards my brothers to love them, serve them and pray for them. God be blessed!

Sep 18, 2012 Like it


First, the word you were trying to use should have been 'find'. God is everywhere, he is not lost however we need to reach out and ask for him to come into our lives. When you really want God, he is right there he is Omnipresent. He's everywhere at all times, once you accept him as your personal savior by confessing your sins he is faithful to be there for you. All we have to do is continue to walk in his will and way, lean and trust in him for all things. God bless all of you.

Jun 4, 2012 Like it
Salmi U.

Internet Business

God is in your heart.. Without God in my life, I would n't have made it so far. I talk to him everyday and I can ask him for guidance, and with him, life can be magical..

May 31, 2012 Like it
Timmie LePrince

Retire Early

God is all and All and in Him there is no darkness, Since you are apart of the Allness of God, then you can find God within you. Look within to discover the great secret of them all The Father within

May 15, 2012 Like it
Chukwuekwu Okonta

Forensic accountant

God lives in you, experience truthfullnes, honesty, love, etc know your inner self. The true God in you comes with above virtures and more. He knows you, you don't know him. Get someone to lead you to His kingdom, you are not in his kingdom. I don't know your faith. Remember no matter everyone's faith we have only one God.

May 5, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Alvin H.

Writer for Hire

God is! That is what He told Moses when Moses asked, "Who shall I say sent me?" God replied, I AM that Which I AM! In the Hebrew language it comes from the tetragrammaton which is an unpronounceable symbol YHVH or YHWH. It is where we get the word YahWeh, which was later combined with vowels and the Hebrew word for Lord, Addonai, and became Jehovah. God is the Self-Existant One! He exists outside of time and becomes a bit much for our finite minds to comprehend. The God of creation is everywhere

May 4, 2012 Like it
Rouru Vaevae Pare

Online Marketer

Where is God? you can't find it in your mine because your mine in in it, He is everywhere all the time every time

Apr 30, 2012 Like it
Wirawan S.


Hhmmm knapa Cak ? Memang perlu latihan diri, terutama dengan syukur dan kepasrahan.

Apr 13, 2012 Like it
Eric Drula


Car la nature de Dieu c'est l'amour.Comme le mer est formée d"eau et l'atmosphère d'air, Dieu est amour .L'amour c'est la vie , le bonheur, le joie , le temps suspend son vol quand l'amour s'installe, c'est le goûter un moment d'éternité.Honnêteté, sincérité, voilà les clefs d'une vrai relation d'amour.Nous sommes tous capable d'amour. Avons nous la volonté d'être honnête et sincère en amour? Vous-voulez vous connaître Dieu? Préparer-vous à aimer sans condition, sans arrière pe

Apr 7, 2012 Like it
Som Kalpna Sharma

Social Women Care Security Service Advise

God is within you provided you produce those eyes to see.

Apr 5, 2012 1 Like Like it
Lowayu Gresik


I Can not Say anything. Only I Can Say Thank You Make Many Friends of All Who Want to Put That Gives Very Good.

Mar 28, 2012 1 Like Like it
Mohammad Alqabbani

Entrepreneur, Investor & Internet Marketer

I highly recommend this movie to everyone to reflect on how science explains life and spirituality ; " WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW?" MOVIE (free on U-Tube).

Your question is very sophisticated, hence it requires an intelligent answer that I believe this Award winning "Quantum Physics" movie is truly an eye opener.

Mar 21, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Daniela De Martini


I believe the Bible IS true, it is God' Word written to us, a beautiful Love Letter from the Creator to His creatures. In it we can find the Way to a fulfilled happy life, full of sense and totaly REDEEMED........ Praise the Lord!

Mar 16, 2012 1 Like Like it
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