Professional Service provider in accounting, inter
I won't continue with a job I dislike. Fortunately, my jobs are all fine although have to work long hours sometimes. Well, now I'm in biz and enjoying myself.
Nope, the job will end up killing me from depression and everything around will become numb. I believe that everyone could agree that being at a job they do not like has a huge negative affect on your relationship with other people and mainly, your health.
Ii couldn't work a job I truly hated. Now you could say" I hate my job" but it might be somebody you hate, or the way it is designed and not the actual job. That I could work with. Just change things to suit me.
No, No Way, Not in America. Work is an honor and it is hard to honor something if you are not in agreement with it. I would change and do something I love. Then I am getting paid to have fun and not to work.
Comments (16)
Sondra C.
Virtual Entrepreneur
Don't blame you, Shee, I know the feeling!
Shee S.
No, I dont' think so, is just like wasted the life...
Elena Moon
it will be hard first ,but after accustomed to it,everything will be fine
Jajang Nurjaman
Self's Labour Defender
I have a kind of patience and depending on how long to retire.
Henry Desouza
Author/Developer/technical support
Nobody should like it will give pain only
YH Mow
Professional Service provider in accounting, inter
I won't continue with a job I dislike. Fortunately, my jobs are all fine although have to work long hours sometimes. Well, now I'm in biz and enjoying myself.
Sondra C.
Virtual Entrepreneur
Interesting points, Samuel. Thanks for sharing.
Samuel P.
Nope, the job will end up killing me from depression and everything around will become numb. I believe that everyone could agree that being at a job they do not like has a huge negative affect on your relationship with other people and mainly, your health.
Karen Dries
Ii couldn't work a job I truly hated. Now you could say" I hate my job" but it might be somebody you hate, or the way it is designed and not the actual job. That I could work with. Just change things to suit me.
Ritu Anand
Online Marketing Entrepreneur
Not at all. Why would one put themselves through torture for life for just a guaranteed job.?
Terry Warner
My Leads Call Me
No, No Way, Not in America. Work is an honor and it is hard to honor something if you are not in agreement with it. I would change and do something I love. Then I am getting paid to have fun and not to work.
Sondra C.
Virtual Entrepreneur
Angelcho, I understand!
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Affiliate Marketer
I will never work something I hate. This will kill me.
Sondra C.
Virtual Entrepreneur
Not sure I have that kind of patience and depends on how long to retire.
Lászlóné Apró
Stick with it comes a little time to retire
Sondra C.
Virtual Entrepreneur
Personally I can't stand working for other people at all, I'd always have to have a hustle while being involved in other business ventures!